On 4/28/2015 3:02 PM, LizR wrote:
Thanks. I'd be interested to know if this continues to pan out for other phenomena apart from the "entropy of entanglement". I believe the original version (with anti-deSitter space) allows quite a lot of phenomena that are intractable in one formulation to be worked out in the complementary one, so I hope this result will eventually lead to the solution of problems that are currently intractable in flat spacetime, preferably solutions to questions posed by quantum gravity about black holes etc.

And a related paper:

/Universality of Gravity from Entanglement//
//Brian Swingle, Mark Van Raamsdonk//
//(Submitted on 12 May 2014)//
// The entanglement "first law" in conformal field theories relates the entanglement entropy for a ball-shaped region to an integral over the same region involving the expectation value of the CFT stress-energy tensor, for infinitesimal perturbations to the CFT vacuum state. In recent work, this was exploited at leading order in N in the context of large N holographic CFTs to show that any geometry dual to a perturbed CFT state must satisfy Einstein's equations linearized about pure AdS. In this note, we investigate the implications of the leading 1/N correction to the exact CFT result. We show that these corrections give rise to the source term for the gravitational equations: for semiclassical bulk states, the expectation value of the bulk stress-energy tensor appears as a source in the linearized equations. In particular, the CFT first law leads to Newton's Law of gravitation and the fact that all sources of stress-energy source the gravitational field. In our derivation, this universality of gravity comes directly from the universality of entanglement (the fact that all degrees of freedom in a subsystem contribute to entanglement entropy). //
//     arXiv:1405.2933v1 [hep-th] /


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