On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 10:45:12PM +1000, Bruce Kellett wrote:

> I am sorry, but this just does not follow. The original physical
> functionality is admitted to be still intact -- provide, admittedly,
> by the projected movie, but that is still a physical device,
> operating with a physical film in a physical projector, and
> projecting on to the original (albeit damaged) physical machinery.
> How has the physical element in all of this been rendered redundant?
> The original functionality of the 'brain' has been preserved by the
> movie; the conscious experience is still intact even though much of
> the original functionality has been provided by another external
> physical device. How does this differ from the original "Yes Doctor"
> scenario in which the subject agrees to have his brain replaced by a
> physical device that simulates (emulates) his original brain
> functionality? I submit that it does not.
> The only difference between the movie replacing the functionality of
> the original experience and having that functionality replaced by a
> computer would seem to be that the computer can emulate a wider
> range of conscious experiences -- it is 'counterfactually correct'
> in that it can respond appropriately to different external inputs.
> The film, being a static record of one conscious experience, cannot
> do this. But it has been admitted that the film can reproduce the
> original conscious experience with perfect fidelity. And the film is
> every bit as physical as the original 'brain'. So the physical has
> not been shown to be redundant. It cannot be cut away with Occam's
> razor after all. If it were, there would be no conscious experience
> remaining.
> I conclude that the MGA fails to establish the conclusions that it
> purports to establish.

Thanks for this excellent summary, Bruce. The answer given as to why the film is
supposedly not conscious is that it absurd. I agree with you that it
is not, prima facie, absurd at this point. Usually, Bruno then goes on
to recount his "stroboscope argument", which is in his thesis, but not
in any English language publication to my knowledge. Essentially the
idea is that we stop the projector, take the film out and lay it down
on a very large table. Now as an observer, we can run along the table,
seeing the frames of the film in their original order, and it will be
as though the film is projected. But that would mean the conscious
moment would depend on whether the external observer is running or

Personally, I think the problem started much earlier, in supposing
that that recreating the exact same sequence of physical states
instantiates more conscious moments. It does not. The conscious moment
is exactly the same, and exists in that physical reality. Creating a
recording does not change that fact.

The only problem I see is if the recording were to arise by chance, by
some lucky coincidence of the random motion of molecules, without the
original computation having taken place. Then is that conscious moment
instantiated? Obviously, in a robust ontology, it is, because all
conscious moments are instantiated, but suppose the ontology is not

Personally, I think the intuituion pump has simply run dry at that point. I
don't think the MGA helps.


Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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