On 09 May 2015, at 02:42, Russell Standish wrote:

On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 03:45:53PM -0400, John Clark wrote:
On Thu, May 7, 2015  Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au> wrote:

In the case of chaotic systems (or Og for that matter), a
hypothetical Laplace daemon could simulate the system using exact
initial conditions

Even if we ignore Quantum Mechanics that would still be untrue because today we know something that Laplace did not: even very small changes in initial conditions can increase the number of calculations required to make a prediction enormously, it will increase them to infinity if space or time is continuous. And today we know that even in theory it takes time and energy to make a calculation, and the faster you make it the more energy you need. If you calculate too slowly the event you're trying to predict will have already happened before you finish, and if you calculate too
quickly you produce so much waste heat you'll alter the system you're
trying to predict.

That is an interesting objection, but not one that's really relevant
to the case at hand (distinguising dynamical chaos from teh FPI).

and tell you what will be experienced next.

And even if we ignore the above objection the daemon might know what we will do next but the daemon couldn't tell us because then the daemon's own behavior would alter the prediction; I might be of a argumentative frame of mind and be determined to do the exact opposite of whatever the daemon said I was going to do. In that case to figure out what I would do a mega-daemon
would be required to figure out what the daemon was going to predict.
Obviously before long we'd need a mega-mega-daemon and so on.

Assuming Og has free will, of course. If he doesn't, then it doesn't
matter what Laplace's daemon tells him.

With FPI, Laplace's daemon cannot do that.

Not even an infinite string of mega, mega-mega, mega-mega-mega..... daemons
can answer gibberish questions.

True, but you're implying that what my next experience is is a
gibberish question, when it clearly isn't. What's more, I can find out
just by waiting a bit.

the third person answer will always be probabilistic. What I see in the
first person not probabalistic.

In physics everything is probabilistic and we live in a world governed by
the laws of physics.

It is definite, and I only need to wait around to find out.

And Turing tells us that for some things, like figuring out if a program
will stop, you'll have to wait around for a infinite, and not just
astronomically large, number of years and even then you still won't find
out if it stops or not.

Sure - another difference between FPI and the Halting theorem.

  nobody knows how to make a Turing Machine or a computer or how
to make one single calculation without using matter that operates according to the laws of physics. Maybe there is some other way to do it but if there
is nobody knows what it is.

 IMHO, one can never know what it is made out of.

That is equivalent to saying the blunders in Bruno's "proof" can
never be repaired.

Hardly - that is the result at step 7, nothing to do with your so- called
"blunders". IMHO, one can go there directly
in one step, as it is a pretty obvious conclusion from the CT thesis.

Pretty obvious? I agree that any finite program that terminates can be calculated on a Turing Machine, but there is in general no way to know if any given program will terminate or not, and nobody has the slightest idea how to make a Turing Machine, or even anything close to it, without using
matter that obeys the laws of physics.

What does that have to do with "one can never know what it is made out of."?

If I am a computation, I cannot tell whether I'm running on a PC or a Mac

I remind you that both the Mac and the PC are made of matter that obeys the
laws of physics.

So? Relevance? I also cannot tell if I'm am running Robinson
arithmetic or SK combinators.

the precise properties of the ontological material reality (Bruno
primitive reality) are not accessible to us

I don't need to know what the ultimate primitive reality is (assuming such
a thing even exists), I just need to know the relative primitivity of
physics and mathematics. Unless Bruno can show that mathematics is more
primitive than matter and has found a way to make a calculation that
doesn't involve physics his "proof" is just an exercise in circularity.

UDA 1-7 shows that whatever the ultimate primitive reality is,
properties of matter (ie physics) must only depend on the fact that the
ultimate primitive reality is capable of universal computation.

Assuming comp, of course, and robustness of the primitive reality
(that a UD is supported).

OK. With step UDA 1-7, you get the reversal with comp + there exist a primitive robust physical universe.

That is why he says arithmetic suffices.

Using a strong OCCAM razor, as not enough physics has been derived yet. That is why MGA will be used to eliminate that string use of OCCAM.

Note that the arithmetical reality, even the tiny one needed for the start (RA) is provably "robust", in the sense that it contains the emulation of the UD entire activity, with the redundancies and the logical structures of the points of view.

Of course you can insists
that your ulimate reality is running on something physical like
gears/cogs, or electrons in silicon, but nothing about the
"geariness", or "electronicness" is important to the physical reality
we observe. It is an unnecessary hypothethis.

So we come to what happens if the primitive reality is not robust
(which seems rather likely if you're insisting on it being made out of
cogs, but not if the MWI is valid. That is where the MGA steps in.

Bruno, on the other hand has TOEs for sale.

As of today nobody's TOE is worth a bucket of warm spit, none of them work
worth a damn.

Pick one, any one, they'll all do your computations for you.

No you pick one and then use it to calculate 2+2 for me without using
matter or any of the laws of physics.

I'll let Bruno do that with RA, but I expect it be pretty simple.

I gave that as exercise to Liz sometime ago, and she solved the problem without any difficulties.

I do it is someone insisted, but it is very simple.

Unfortunately, there will be the objection that I use my "material brain", or "material paper", etc. Which is a confusion of level. The cimputation, as defined in computer science, is a the mathematical object provably existing in the same sense as the existence of prime numbers, but to show a computation, we need to go through descriptions, and between physical being, we will use the physical means.

That confusion level error that I want to prevent here would be the same as a guy saying that neurophysiology is absurd because all the theories on how the brain might function are using brain!

we know that Bruno's Platonic integers have never been shown to be able
to calculate anything, we have zero evidence they can do anything
without physics, but we have an astronomical amount of evidence that matter operating according to the laws of physics can make calculations.

I gather arithmetic has been proven capable of universal computation

Nonsense. As of today if the laws of physics are not involved nobody has ever been able to calculate ANYTHING. That's why people still make computer

Bruno - can you provide a citation to John. He clearly doesn't believe you.

I will, but I think that is comment already makes this non necessary. He makes people believe that if comp2 was true we would not need to make hardware, which shows that he miss the point entirely.

It is hard to say a citation, as it is the real base of doing mathematics. He needs to understand what is a universal machine.

I can only give examples, and I gave the three following theories or system: RA, (and thus PA, ZF, ...), the SK-combinators, and the Putnam- Davis-Robinson-Matiyasevich-Jones system of polynomials relation.

All computations are realized in all model of those relations, theories, etc.

The Turing universality of such systems is prived in good textbooks.

I still don't get it, even today one computer can run 2 separate
programs simultaneously, so what's your point?

But it can't simultaneous experience being two different persons.

Why not?

Because then it would be experiencing being a mad person, not either of
the original two.

it is important to delve into what supervenience_actually_ means

You're the one who keeps using it so you tell me what  supervenience
_actually_ means.

Read my paper, and read the Stanford Plato article on
supervenience. The margin on this email is too small...

Conscious experience "then and there" supervenes on the recording just
as much as the original computation

I think you're overusing that word. If X supervenes on Y I assume you
mean X causes Y,

No I don't. Read my paper.

and I know what consciousness means even if I can't define
it, but in the context of Virtual Reality and a conscious AI program that
can be stopped reset and rerun what does "then and there" mean?

The coordinates of virtual space & time, obviously.

it is clear that supervenience of conscious experience "here and now"
does not supervene on the recording,

Recomputing the conscious AI program makes zero subjective difference and
playing back a recording makes zero subjective difference. And to the
conscious AI program "here and now" only has meaning relative to places things and events inside the virtual world the conscious AI program lives

Absolutely. I think you might be getting it. Maybe...

You're probably wondering why this is even relevant. Bruno's
definition of physical supervenience (you have to read the original
MGA papers,or his thesis, in French  unfortunately, unless anyone can
point to an English language expression of it.

Of course Maudlin doesn't define his physical supervenience in quite
that way. His has more to do with physical activity.

What Maudlin, and many materialist called simply supervenience (in the mind-body problem context), is what I call physical supervenience. But as we are led to a a comp supervenience without "matter", I use supervenience in a more general sense than in the (materialist) physical sense, and always made precise if it is the physical or the comp or arithmetical one.


PS I have to go. Some heavy Sunday and Monday, might answer more slowly, or with more typo errors, apology in advance.


Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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