On 6 June 2015 at 09:46, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 6/5/2015 12:22 PM, John Clark wrote:
>  On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 , meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>  >> It's very relevant if you want to know what is a simplified
>> approximation of what. And we both agree that a electronic computer is
>> vastly more complex than it's logical schematic, so why can we make a
>> working model of the complex thing but not make a working model of the
>> simple thing when usually it's easier to make a simple thing than a complex
>> thing? The only answer that comes to mind is that particular simplified
>> approximation is just too simplified and just too approximate to actually
>> do anything. That simplification must be missing something important,
>> matter that obeys the laws of physics.
>>   > The trouble with this argument is that the laws of physics are
>> mathematical abstractions.
>  Mathematicians are always saying that mathematics is a language, but
> what would be the consequences if that were really true? The best way known
> to describe the laws of physics is to write then in the language of
> mathematics, but a language is not the thing the language is describing.
> I agree the laws of physics are descriptions we invent; but even so they
> are abstractions and not material and what they define is only an
> approximation to what happens in the world.  That's what makes them useful
> - they let us make predictions while leaving out a lot of stuff.
> I know what you mean, but this statement could be considered a bit
misleading. Unlike the other branches of science, physics at least tries to
be a complete description. Of course it fails in practice, but (very much
in theory) a TOE would describe everything - it would in principle be like
"Laplace's demon" (though possibly only for a multiverse).

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