On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

>  ​> ​
> Even Peter Theil,
> ​ ​
> the Paypal guy doesn't see the advantage of free enterprise capitalism,
> and e identifies as a Libertarian. Money changes everything.

​Theil​ might not be as radical as some libertarians in that he doesn't
advocate the complete elimination of government but to say he doesn't see
the advantage of free market capitalism would be going much too far, and
Theil has said some things that I like a lot, such as:

“I don’t think we can solve any of our problems without technological
​. ​
That is, in my mind, the single most important issue. It’s one that’s not
particularly high on the political agenda of any of our leaders in
Washington, most of whom are fairly scientifically illiterate and
uninterested or hostile to technology.”

 “I always find it odd that people are as complacent as they are about
things. One out of three people at age 85 has dementia and this is not even
cause for general alarm.”

“I believe it’s generally an issue of stagnation. I believe if we have 4
percent a year of GDP growth, all these problems would get solved,”

​ John K Clark​

Technological advancement, Thiel believes, is the key to solving many of
our most pressing concerns, and his most radical solutions seem to lie
outside government. For instance, he’s funded
a floating island-city free of government regulation and a program that
encourages <http://%20-worth-it-theyre-just-wrong/> entrepreneurial high
schoolers go into the startup world instead of the Ivy League.

But calling him a “libertarian” may be a bit of misnomer. He seems brazenly
ambivalent about the very concept of liberty—the “leave me alone”
philosophy that has gripped the grassroots insurgence within the Republican

I’m not dogmatic about government having to have a small role, but it
depends on how well the government works,” he says. “If you had a
government as effective as the New Deal government or say the Kennedy
administration in the ’60s, you could have a much larger role for

Thiel is unfazed by typical liberal policies like minimum wage and coercive
regulation, which trigger the *1984* alarm bells among the hyper
anti-government wing of conservatives. When I asked him about how Silicon
Valley could help solve some of the vicious inequality that technology has
created, his normally nuanced answers became terse. He almost seemed bored.

“I would be supportive of higher minimum wage laws,” he says, but it he’s
worried about welfare policies that discourage work and let skills
“atrophy.” It’s not that Thiel doesn’t care about the poor, but that he
seems to see redistribution as a kind of Band-Aid placed on an ax wound.

“I believe it’s generally an issue of stagnation. I believe if we have 4
percent a year of GDP growth, all these problems would get solved,” he
argued confidently, in a much more lively tone.

Perhaps the best way to understand Thiel’s ethos (and, perhaps the tech
elite’s) is that they care more about progress than they do about our
current crises. Political skirmishes over inequality are to him the
historical equivalent of fighting over how doctors should be distributing
leeches to the poor.

Speaking about technology’s role in solving big issues like cancer and
mental illness, he noted, “I always find it odd that people are as
complacent as they are about things. One out of three people at age 85 has
dementia and this is not even cause for general alarm.”

Much of Thiel’s startup-advice book makes the case that capitalism is a
game of Monopoly. He advises young entrepreneurs that the entire goal of
any good businessman is to completely own their market. Google, he claims,
is a “good monopoly” because it keeps pumping out fresh ideas. But were it
to sit idle, and prevent a new crop of entrepreneurs from innovating, it
would be acceptable for the government to step in and break it up.

>From this vantage point, government is not so much the harbinger of evil as
an ineffective nuisance, only to be invoked when businesses lose their way
in advancing society.

Indeed, to give you an idea of just how little faith Thiel has in the
government, I asked him what he would do as president. For a man who
invests in cures for aging
his answer was surprisingly unambitious.

“There’s always questions as to what you could do within the limits of the
possible in our political system,” he mulls. “I think there’s a lot of
low-hanging fruit in our government and we need to ask how the government
can do more with less.”

Instead, ever the optimist, Thiel wants us all to set our eye on the prize:
“I think it would be good for us to realize that we live in an very
imperfect world and to never give up the dream of perfecting it.”

> I am pessimistic enough to see Obama bringing on an attack on the US,
> because, demoralizing the EU now seems unnecessary. A successful attack on
> the US could have huge pay offs (logically speaking) for the attacker. Less
> so, for leveling Marseilles, or Utrecht.

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