On 23 Sep 2015, at 01:18, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 9/22/2015 2:55 PM, John Mikes wrote:
Bruno, I am at a loss with your explanation. I lived the active first 50 years of my life in Europe and never heard about such 'liberalism' (for a short time was even connected to the Hungarian Liberal Democratic Party). "Liberal" was in no connection with right/wrong, or even right/ left, only pointed to some freedom of action in the political arena. And the other thing:

Democracy IMO is an oxymoron, the full "demos" cannot exercise it's full "cratos" for ruling, becuase every person has different aims, goals, interests, etc. Those, who call a "majority-rule" a democracy are establishing a minority whose interests are trampled down by the so called "majority" which is not even so sure, to BE a majority indeed. Voting is cheating, candidates LIE in the campaign and the voters compromise their (real?) interests for the least controversial lies. What is even worse: the "elected" persons don't even follow their own lies later on in practice. They go after their (untold???) interest. Impeachment is difficult.

One word about 'capitalism' - with a caveat not to fall into Marxist traps: it is the open exploitation of the power of wealth over the have- nots, be it by employment, marketing, or production policy. Not the "haves" - mind you, but the oligarchs, super-wealthy owners, political donors, etc. etc. established since Adam Smith. Growth is NOT maintainable with the limited resources existing. And a
(cut-throat?) Competition as life? thanks, but no thanks. .
Do you mean cooperative and collaborating goodwilling people dead?

Capitalism is the use of money to make more money.

OK. In fact the number e (2.71828...) has been discovered when Neper discovered how money tend to grow once we let a market free. Bank are then institution in which people can let grow the money without taking action, (which are supposed to be done by the bankers). It reflects that money can be used to invest in things which will bring back more money. The laws is a simple self-bootstrapping type of differential equation: dC = KCdt, and so C = Ke^Bt, with B a parameter depending on the economical situation. That entails grows and expansion, but that is already the case with self-dividing amoeba, and the fact that the repeated mutiplications lead to exponentials.

This is natural, and unless a tyranny, cannot be avoided. But that does not mean that people are free to use money to lie and create huge amount of money based on lies. That is just stealing everyone.

If you don't like it, what freedom will you take away to prevent investing money to make things of value and hence more money? Who will decide on which freedoms will be forbidden?

Exactly. I am for universal allocation, but also for the free enterprise. But again, free enterprise does not mean enterprise freely based on deluding the population about their need. False advertising, like defamation, should be illegal and rather severely punished.



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