On 29 Mar 2017, at 01:53, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 3/28/2017 3:50 PM, Kim Jones wrote:
Atheists have no special function or any special beliefs. They are a religion like any other. They believe in God's non-existence, that's all.

No, they just fail to believe in God's existence. And that makes a lot of difference.

It is enough to fail to prove God's existence.

But some (string) atheist infers from this that God does not exist, or that "God" is not an interesting notion, but then this makes them believe "religiously" in matter, and eventually eliminate the first person experience. That is quasi-demonstrated by Sade and LaMettrie, and Dennett.

The problem is that many atheists exploit a confusion between failing to believe in x, ~[]x, and believing in the inexistence or falsity of x, []~x. The first one are modest inquirer, the second one are arrogant bragger on the unnameable, when x is the fundamental reality.

"Science flies to the moon.  Religion flies into buildings."
  --- Vic Stenger

Science flies to the moon. Religion flies into buildings ... is what happen when the subject is abandoned to the politics since a long time.


Only bad faith fear reason, and only bad reasons fear faith.

They reject the notion of an immaterial "prima materia" because that appears to them self-contradictory and instead put a thing called "Matter" on the same pedestal and worship that instead. It's merely a fashionable alternative to the Abrahamic sky-fairy concept but has no particular virtues I am aware of other than that


On 26 Mar 2017, at 3:11 am, Evgenii Rudnyi <use...@rudnyi.ru> wrote:

Dominic Johnson
What are atheists for? Hypotheses on the functions of non-belief in the evolution of religion
Religion, Brain & Behavior
Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2012, 48-99


"An explosion of recent research suggests that religious beliefs and behaviors are universal, arise from deep-seated cognitive mechanisms, and were favored by natural selection over human evolutionary history. However, if a propensity towards religious beliefs is a fundamental characteristic of human brains (as both by-product theorists and adaptationists agree), and/or an important ingredient of Darwinian fitness (as adaptationists argue), then how do we explain the existence and prevalence of atheists - even among ancient and traditional societies?"

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