On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 3:53 PM, Terren Suydam <terren.suy...@gmail.com>

​>> ​
>> ​Then which *ONE* out of that infinite number is ​
>> ​"*THE"*
>>  stream of consciousness

​> ​
> ​?​
> You're asking that question from the objective, third-person point of
> view, which is not relevant to the thought experiment.

​remind ​
you that it was you not me that said to understand
​ ​
the though experiment I need to follow
*​"* ​
stream of consciousness
​, but which steam needs following, the Moscow stream or the Washington
stream? If I ask you for directions and you say "just keep following this
road" and then the road forks your instructions don't help me get to my
intended destination.​

> ​> ​
> If you want to engage with the thought experiment, then you must consider
> this from the first person.

Over and over and over
​again ​
​exact ​
same mistake is made. In a world with
​ ​
Terren Suydam
​ duplicating machines there is no such thing as *"THE"* first person! ​

>> I don't know about Mr. You but ​
>> Terren Suydam
>> ​ can ​
>> experience more than one city at the same time
>> ​ if there are ​
>> Terren Suydam
>> ​ duplicating machines.
> ​> ​
> Objectively, yes. Experientially, no.

I have no idea what that means because I have proof that Terren Suydam
​ experienced Moscow and
Terren Suydam
​ experienced Washington.  What Mr. You experienced nobody knows, not even
Mr. You.

​>> ​
>> Terren Suydam
>> ​ just said a infinite ​number of copies were made, and every single one
>> of them remembers wondering what one and only one city they would end up
>> seeing. So what turned out to be the one and only one correct answer to the
>> question asked yesterday "What city will I see tomorrow ?" If the answer
>> isn't just unknown but is nonexistent then it wasn't a question.
> ​> ​
> Objectively, it may be gibberish,

​There is no "may" about it.​

> ​> ​
> but from the first-person point of view, it's not.

Then what one and only one city ended up being seen by
*​"* ​
first-person point of view
​?? If it's not gibberish then there is a answer, so let's have it!​

> ​> ​
> Earlier we encountered a different question that was gibberish from the
> objective point of view, but intelligible from the first-person point of
> view.

​I don't know what you're referring to ​
but* ​"*
*THE" *​
first-person point of view
​ is itself not ​
​ if ​
first-person point of view
​ duplicating machines exist, and in this thought experiment they do. ​

​John K Clark​


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