On 5/12/2017 3:15 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 01 Dec 2017, at 01:49, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 1/12/2017 8:57 am, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 1/12/2017 4:21 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 29 Nov 2017, at 23:16, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 30/11/2017 2:24 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 29 Nov 2017, at 04:59, Bruce Kellett wrote:

I would suggest that there is no such world. Whether a coin comes up head or tails on a simple toss is not a quantum event; it is determined by quite classical laws of physics governing initial conditions, air currents and the like.

It depends. If you shake the coin long enough, the quantum uncertainties can add up to the point that the toss is a quantum event. With some student we have evaluate this quantitavely (a long time ago) and get that if was enough to shake the coin less than a minute, but more than few seconds ... (Nothing rigorous).

That is a misunderstanding of quantum randomness. For the outcome of a coin toss to be determined by quantum randomness, we would have to have a single quantum event where the outcome was amplified by decoherence so that it was directly entangled with the way the coin landed. Schematically:

 |quantum event>|coin> = (|outcome A> + |outcome B>)|coin>
 = (|outcome A>|coin heads> + |outcome B>|coin tails>)

The coin is quantum.

The coin is classical, consisting of something of the order of 10^22 atoms. Indeterminacy in position as given by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, is undetectably small.

I think it is worth while to put some (approximate) numbers around this. The reduced Planck constant, h-bar, is approximately 10^{-27} g.cm^2/s. The Uncertainty Principle is

   delta(x)*delta(p) >= h-bar/2.

For a coin weighing approximately 10 g and moving at 1 cm/s, the momentum is mv = 10 g.cm/s. Taking the momentum uncertainty to be of this order, the uncertainty in position, delta(x) is of the order of 10^{-28} cm. A typical atom has a diameter of about 10^{-8} cm, so the uncertainty in position is approximately 20 orders of magnitude less than the atomic diameter.

I think that is enough to get the macroscopic superposition, as, like I explained, you have to take into account not just the quantum indeterminacy, + the classical chaos. You might need to shake for some minutes.

You could shake for longer than the age of the universe and you will still not convert quantum uncertainties and classical thermal motions into a macroscopic superposition. Do you know nothing about coherence? And the fact that coherent phases between the components are what separates a superposition from a mixture? Random quantum uncertainties and thermal motions are not coherent, so cannot form superpositions.

That is why quantum uncertainties are irrelevant for macroscopic objects. Uncertainties do not add up coherently for macroscopic objects --

Sure they do, unless you add continuous collapse, or something. decoherence is only entanglement with the environment, that is "contagion of the superposition".

You are talking rubbish. As above, the uncertainties are not coherent so they cannot add up to form a superposition. Collapse has nothing to do with it. Decoherence is unitary interaction with the environment, so that the environment becomes entangled with the original superposition, but you have to start with a superposition -- that process does not make one!

macroscopic objects act as a unit, and the HUP is irrelevant, even for small coins.

I am not yet convinced.


I think there are some basics of quantum mechanics over which you are very confused.


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