On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 9:20 PM, <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

​> ​
> I don't see how Wigner's friend presents a problem for Copenhagen.
> According to the CI, the wf collapses when the system measured, which is
> when the box is opened. What am I missing?

According to
​ ​
​ ​
Wigner's friend
​ ​
opens the cat box and that
​ ​
the cat's wave function, and so Wigner's friend
​ ​
now knows the cat's fate, but Wigner's friend
​ ​
is also in a box and Wigner
​ ​
himself is outside that box, so until Wigner opens his friend's box his
friend is in a "I see a dead cat" state AND a "I see a live cat state".
And of course you could put Wigner himself in a box with somebody outside
it and you could keep increasing the number of nested boxes until the
entire universe is included, and that is why the Copenhagen
​ ​
interpretation is useless if you're
​interest is in ​
dealing in cosmology because there is nobody outside
 universe observe it.

 And God
​is of no help unless somebody knows who collapses God's wave function,
​and even then there would be another unanswered question too obvious to

​ John K Clark​

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