On 1/2/2018 3:11 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

    I think you are assuming the simulation can be
    deterministic...which it can't.

I make no assumptions on this.  Watching life on any random planet evolve should be as illuminating as wandering the cosmos to happen upon a random planet with life on it to watch it evolve.  The problem is one of these activities takes billions of years to do.

But watching one randomized evolution will mostly produce lifeless planets.  So one would want to do Monte Carlo simulations to get a statistically significant range of interesting planets.  Thus increasing the size of the problem by a factor of M^N where M is the size of the statistical sample you want and N is the number of variables to define a "world".

    Further, there are no limits to what it could explore. It could,
    for example, explore possible planets in universes with different
    laws of physics. There is no physical way for the intelligence to
    ever visit these places, but they are not out of sight from an
    intelligence so vast. And if mathematical realism is true, these
    discovered places represent genuine discoveries, rather than
    imaginings. There are unlimited riches available in the universe
    of possibilities of mathematics. An ultraintelligence could no
    doubt spend many eons searching through this space, finding new
    connections between things, in its effort to learn everything.

    But why is it motivated to learn anything at all?  Are we
    supposing that humans programmed this in and the Supeintelligence
    can't change it?

Whatever its goals may be, they are not harmed and likely helped by increased knowledge, creativity, intelligence, efficiency and computational power.

A super intelligence that doesn't have the goal of maximizing it knowledge is likely be displaced by the superintelligences which do.

How so?  According to your theory they are just interested in mathematical knowledge.  Are you supposing they would compete for energy/entropy?  and hence enter into warfare?


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