On Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 10:50:00 AM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 4:38 PM, <agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> ​>
>>> ​>​
>>> * ​*
>>> *"A Statistical Analysis of the Martian Wave of Darkening and Related 
>>> Phenomena",  Planetary and Space** Science , 15, (1967) 817-24. *
>>> ​> ​
>> I think Pollack wrote the text, but I am not sure.
> Pollack is dead and you are not Edward H
> ​ ​
> Greenberg you are Alan Grayson
> ​, so​
>  you did not write that paper. You are a phony trying to get credit for 
> work done by somebody else. And that is disgraceful. 
> ​> ​
>> the CNN video of the attack on Tower 1 (the second impact event on 911). 
>> The original undoctored video shows a bright flash as the impact occurred. 
>> For some it implies the aircraft was loaded with incendiary devices, thus 
>> suggesting a conspiracy.

> I should have guessed, crackpots rarely have just one idiotic idea. 

*You can't read English well. I stated that the flash upon impact can be 
understood ABSENT any conspiracy, and I challenged you (and LC) to explain 
it. LC hasn't tried (yet), and you fail to even understand my challenge. In 
the inimitable words of our wonderful president; Sad! AG*

> Let's see, I'll bet you think there is also a conspiracy by the big oil 
> companies to suppress the marvelous invention that will turn water into 
> gasoline making it free, and Atlantis is real, and Bigfoot is too,

*On Bigfoot, there was a recent NOVA (IIRC) documentary about it, involving 
a geneticist from Oxford. Most of the genetic analysis was unsupporting, 
but hair samples from the Himalayas were very interesting. The gene 
sequences were not human, but from an extinct type of polar bear. Since 
about 2012 techniques have been developed to obtain DNA from inside the 
hair column itself, not depending on an intact root. AG*

and so are ghosts, and the moon landing was faked, and Oswald didn't kill 
> anyone because Kennedy is still alive and living with Elvis. 

> ​> ​
>> with Sagan I was more interested in discussing the White Light 
>> experience. He wasn't particularly open to grasping it.
> ​Whops sorry, I missed that particular crackpot theory. And *OF COURSE* 
> you believe in the White Light experience! 

*I had one. Not a question of belief. I usually don't speak of it anymore 
since those who know it not, usually react from a perspective of ignorance. 
AG *

> ​> ​
>> In fact it was way above his head.

> You sir are an ass. The late great Isaac Asimov had an IQ of 160 and was 
> not​ known​ for his modesty, he said in his entire life he only met 2 
> people that were smarter than he was, one was Marvin Minsky and the other 
> was Carl Sagan. You claim to be a man in his late 70s or early 80s, well 
> maybe so but I have my doubts, you're acting more like a thirteen year old 
> boy.

*I am just telling you about my experiences. Sagan, albeit very bright, was 
not infallible or all-knowing. I met Asimov the day I came to work for 
Sagan. We had a 1 PM appointment at this office (at the SAO in Cambridge 
MA), but he had a bad habit of being late, something that irritated his 
second wife (of 3). Sagan arrived at about 4 PM with Asimov, possibly with 
a cursory apology (I forget). I recall a jovial Asimov who made some joke 
about my last name. He died of AIDS, due to contaminated blood. AG *

> ​ ​
> John K Clark

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