On 6/12/2018 4:45 PM, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:

On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 11:04:21 PM UTC, Brent wrote:

    On 6/12/2018 3:18 PM, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:

    On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 10:14:56 PM UTC, Brent wrote:

        On 6/12/2018 3:02 PM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:

        On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 8:20:00 PM UTC,
        agrays...@gmail.com wrote:

            On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 6:13:04 PM UTC, Brent wrote:

                On 6/12/2018 10:51 AM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:

                On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 5:28:05 PM UTC, Brent

                    On 6/12/2018 1:01 AM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
                    *The bottom line, or if you will, the 800
                    pound elephant in the room, is that the macro
                    entities which are included in the seminal
                    superposition of states for decoherence, are
                    in thermal equilibrium with their
                    environments, constantly emitting and
                    absorbing photons -- before, during, and after
                    their inclusions in said state. Thus, they
                    never are, nor can they ever be isolated from
                    their environments, making this seminal
                    superposition of states an illusory
                    construction. AG *

                    Don't you see that you're just repeating the
                    old debate about the Heisenberg cut.  Where's
                    the line between micro and macro? You think
                    simplistically by considering only really big
                    stuff as classical and ignoring the fact that
                    there is a whole range of sizes.


                I have NOT. I have stated several times that some
                macro objects are EXCLUDED, such as those with well
                defined deBroglie wave lengths like billiard balls
                and Buckyballs. For the vast set of applicable
                macro objects, my claim remains; that there is a
                fallacy of including these objects in
                superpositions, as doing so leads to a foolish
                conclusion; MW. AG*

                You're missing the point that in every QM experiment
                there's a step where micro goes to macro. It doesn't
                solve anything to rant about de Broglie wavelengths
                of cats.


            *Before the Masters of the Universe included Observers,
            Instruments, and Environments in the wf's, did quantum
            experiments imply MW (excluding the MWI based on the
            SWE)?  AG*

        *As I see it, decoherence theory "solves" the cat paradox by
        assuming (falsely) that the cat can be isolated and then
        decoheres with extreme rapidly, But then we're still left
        with a cat which is alive and dead simulteously, but only
        for a very very short duration.  So No, I don't see this as
        a solution. CMIIAW. AG*

        The cat is never isolated (that's a condition you just
        invented), but that doesn't mean it can't be split into
        (FAPP) orthogonal states by becoming entangled with the
        poison gas which is entangled with the radioactive atom which
        is in a superposition of decayed and not-decayed.


    *Doesn't the superposition of states used in the cat problem. or
    indeed any quantum superposition, requires the system being
    measured to be isolated? AG *

    No.  The experimentally interesting cases tend to need isolation
    so the cross-terms of the superposition can be known and
    controlled, but it's not a mathematical requirement.  Suppose
    Schroedinger, his lab, his box, and the cat were all perfectly
    isolated.  There would be some eigenstates corresponding the cat
    being alive and some corresponding to it being dead and there
    would be others corresponding to the cat being alive+dead.

*Eigenstates of what operator? AG*

    But the latter would be unstable in the sense that the state of
    the system would evolve quickly through those to ones where the
    cat is dead.

*Why unstable? Because we never see it? Maybe it doesn't exist. How does decoherence explain the unintelligible state of alive and dead simultaneously even if for a short time? Why dead? AG

You seem to lack common sense about everything.  The cat is never alive and dead.  Even with a stick of dynamite instead of a poison vial it would take the cat a long time on the scale of atomic interactions to go from alive to dead.  With a poison vial it would be minutes, and during those minutes parts of the cat would be functioning normally and others would not.  How are you going to define "dead"?  are you going to ask for a brain wave scan?

Why dead?  The cat starts out alive. So what state do you think it will evolve to?  ...transcendent?



    In theory, being perfectly isolated, it would have a Poincare'
    recurrence time...but it would be many times longer than the age
    of universe.  So what do you call the states that the system is in
    most of the time, where the cat is dead.  They are superpositions
    of different microscopic states which are macroscopically
    indistinguishable.  Just as were the states when the cat was alive.


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