From: *Jason Resch* < <>>

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 12:03 AM, Bruce Kellett < <>> wrote:

    I find Baylock's exposition of counterfactual indefiniteness as
    applied in MWI quite opaque. He makes the argument needlessly
    complicated by considering a sequence of experiments with
    non-aligned filters. Then analyses these by comparing to an
    arbitrary 0º and 90º pair of orientations. When he does his
    general analysis he gets four possible worlds as he should, but he
    does not calculate the probabilities for these individually.
    Rather, he relates the results back to the 0º and 90º
    orientations. And then says that because no measurements were
    actually made at these angles the lack of counterfactual
    definiteness rules out the worlds in which the results do not
    agree with the quantum predictions. This is quite confused. There
    is no need to consider sequences of measurements at different
    angles, one need consider only one set of such measurments and
    calculate the resulting probabilities for each of the four
    possible sets of results. By doing something quite peculiar,
    Baylock does nothing more than confuse himself into error.

What specifically, is the error?

Opacity. There is no need for reference to violations of counterfactual definiteness, because no comparison with measurements that were possible, but not made, is ever necessary. The account that I have given only ever refers to measurements that are actually made.

    We should concentrate on the simple case that I have presented,
    where the polarizers are aligned by construction, and no reference
    is made to measurements that are not made, but are assumed to have
    definite outcomes (no violation of counterfactual defininteness
    need be assumed). You have to be able to give a local account of
    why certain combinations of results are not observed. You have
    been unable to do this.

You agreed both photons are entangled to each other.

When you measure either of the photons, you too become entangled not only with that photon, but also with its pair.

Entanglement with the partner photon is the non-local effect. The pair is at a spacelike separation.

If someone measures it's partner photon, now you, the left photon, the right photon, and that other person are now all entangled with each other.

There are only two photons, but each has two possible polarizations. When you measure the polarization, you split into two branches, one for each possible result. The partner photon reaches the other person on each of your branches, but if everything is purely local, the photon that is remotely measured cannot know which result you obtained (it cannot know which of your branches it is actually on), so it has indeterminate polarization, and when measured, there is necessarily equal probability for either result.

This means that the photon that is on the branch in which your photon passed the polarizer can either pass the remote polarizer, or be absorbed, with 50% probability for each. Similarly for the photon that is on the branch in which your photon was absorbed. The outcome by considering both branches is four possible worlds, one for each combination of 'pass' and 'absorb' results. Two of these worlds violate angular momentum conservation. How do you rule out these worlds with only local interactions?

(entanglement is nothing mysterious, it is equivalent to measurement).

Yes, but entanglement, being a local effect, can only spread at, or less than, the velocity of light. You cannot be entangled with your remote partner when he does his measurement, because you are space-like separated.

When nothing collapses, all you get are local effects, of information (in the form of particles or fields) moving through space time at light or sublight speeds.

That is the conclusion that you have not been able to establish. The Bell-like correlations actually have nothing to do with collapse or non-collapse. The entanglement is intrinsically non-local in either case.

You never observe the person who got the inconsistent measurement, nor ever hear their radio signal because you are entangled with the person who got the result consistent with your measurement.

But that entanglement is the non-local effect.

Look at it this way. The two measurements are made at space-like separation. If everything is local, the measurements must be independent. If the measurements are independent they cannot be correlated -- that is one possible operational definition of independence. Since the measurement results are known to be correlated, they cannot be independent. Since there can be no sub-luminal interaction between the two measurements, this correlation can only be a non-local effect. In the case that I have been discussing, quantum mechanics predicts 100% correlation. There is no way this can be achieved locally because the singlet you are measuring is rotationally symmetric and has no intrinsic polarization state that can be carried subluminally between the experimenters. In other words, the structure of the singlet state rules out a common cause explanation for the 100% correlation. Bell's theorem then rules out any /local/ hidden variable explanation.

Look, the singlet state is:

   |psi> = (|+>|-> + |->|+>).

When Alice makes her measurement she effectively splits this state into the |+>|-> state on one branch, and the |->|+> state on the other branch. But if everything is purely local, this split does not happen for Bob before he makes his measurement. So he, too, measures the original entangled |psi> state, and he also must have 50% probability of either result. However, quantum mechanics says that when Alice measures |+>, Bob necessarily measures only the |-> component of his photon; and when Alice measures |->, Bob necessarily measures only the |+> component of his photon. This is how the correlation comes about. But this is non-local -- the non-separable initial state is separated non-locally by the measurements.

If I send a photon through a filter orientated at 0 degrees, and it passes through, and goes all the way to Pluto where you measure the filter at 0 degrees and it also passes, you would not say this violates locality, would you?

No, because its passage to Pluto is at the speed of light.

It is the same picture.

But it is not the same picture. In the case you mention, you send a polarized photon to Pluto at the speed of light. In the case of the entangled singlet state there are two separated photons that are measured simultaneously (in one frame at least), so no one is sending a photon of known polarization anywhere.

You might as rightly ask why are future measurements correlated (entangled) with past measurements. I don't see anything in the theory that suggests we should expect such inconsistencies in any two successive measurements (be they of an entangled photon pair, or two measurements of the same photon).

Because in one case information is transmitted at the speed of light and in the other case the influence is non-local. The entangled state is non-separable, whereas two measurements on the same photon are separable.

Can you elaborate on why you think the Schrodinger equation implies such inconsistencies ought to arise?

It is not really something in the Schrödinger equation. It is in the nature of the initial state. The Schrödinger equation describes the time development of the wave function and it operates equally on the single photon state and on the entangled two-photon state. In the latter case, the time development (propagation) of the two photons is independent. Besides, the Schrödinger equation describes multiparticle states in configuration space, not ordinary 3-space.

There is no inconsistency since the two cases are quite different -- why should you expect a single photon to behave in exactly the same way as an entangled pair?


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