On 7/18/2018 6:45 AM, smitra wrote:
While one can then still argue that MWI does have non-local aspects to it because the branches do not split in a local way, for me what matters is that all such issues are explained by local dynamics, while in collapse interpretations you have more problems precisely due to the unexplained collapse. In collapse interpretations, new information appears right at the moment of collapse and does so non-locally in case of entangled spins. In the MWI, the branching is only an effective picture, the exact picture does not contain any branching. No new information appears in the global state. The self-localization of observers within this global state has non-local aspects to it, but there is an explanation for that that invokes only local dynamics.

But what are these "local dynamics" and how do they conspire across a spacelike interval to ensure that only Alice and Bob with notebooks violating Bell's theorem meet one another?


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