From: *Jason Resch* < <>>
On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 9:06 PM John Clark < <>> wrote:

    On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 9:14 PM, Jason Resch <

            You and I have quantum entangledcoins, I'm on Earth and
            you're in the Andromeda Galaxy 2 million light years
            away.  I flip my coin 100 times and record my sequences of
            heads and tails and then just one hour later you do the
            same thing.

        It doesn't work like that. You need to generate the coins at
        one location, then bring them separately (at sub C speeds)
        from the location they were created to Earth and Andromeda. 
        It's because of this that FTL is not not needed under QM to
        explain EPR.  If it worked as you said then it would require
        FTL.  But you can't keep flipping the same coin./

    I was simplifying things to get to the essential difference
    between a communication and a influence and you're just changing
    one apparently random sequence to a different apparently random
    sequence and the only way to tell that something funney is going
    on is when the two results are checked sinde by side which can
    only be done at the speed of light or less. But if you want exact
    then substitute the coins for 2 streams of 100 spin correlated
    electrons created midway between Andromeda and Earth and replace
    the coin flips for 2 Stern Gerlach magnets oriented the same way.

So then the pairs are carrying their correlations with them at c, completely locally and sub FTL, from the midpoint between them.

Yes, I had gathered that your idea was that there was a common cause effect in operation. That is just a standard hidden variable account. And that is what Bell's theorem rules out. No such local hidden variable theory can account for the observed correlations at all relative angles.


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