On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 10:03 AM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 8:30 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 11:44 AM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>> *Pure numbers may not correspond to point in time and space, but
>>>> their relationships do. *
>>> >> Where and when did 2+2=4 happen?
>> > *That is a category mistake.*
> I agree, but I didn't say it, Jason is the one who said  "*Pure numbers
> may not correspond to point in time and space, but their relationships
> do". *
That is out of context. I was explaining that pure numbers are changeless,
but their relationships yield computations which like spacetime, have
manifest change (indexically). Here is the original exchange:

Relativity says space and time are intimately related but it does not say
>> that all points in the time dimension are equal because they correspond
>> to different points in the spatial dimensions. The trouble with pure
>> numbers is they don't correspond to any points in time or space and there
>> is nothing more fundamentalto our subjective experience than time and
>> space.
>> Pure numbers may not correspond to point in time and space, but their
>> relationships do.  Relationships between pure numbers yield
>> computations, and those computations correspond to anything that is
>> computable.
I was not saying you would find an arithmetical relation in spacetime, I
was saying there is a correspondence between arithmetical computations, and
the subjective time evolution of spacetime as we experience it (because we
are part of it), just as any conscious mind might experience mind because
it is part of an evolving computation.

>> > *then it follows that all computations exists independently of you.*
> OK, in platonic heaven all computations exist, and I mean all of them, the
> incorrect ones as well as the correct ones, and only a physical Turing
> Machine can seperate the correct from the incorrect computations. In the
> same way when Michelangelo carved his huge statue of David he started with
> a single colossal block of marble and used his chisel to seperate the parts
> of the block that were correctly part of David from the parts of the block
> that were incorrectly part of David. There were an infinite number of
> incorrect Davids inside that block of marble and only one correct one, and
> Michelangelo used his brain and his chisel to get to the correct one, and
> both are made of matter that obeys the laws of physics.

I have no idea what you mean by "an incorrect computation".

> > *Today we know that not only all computations are emulated in
>> arithmetic, but we know that they are already emulated by just one degree 4
>> diophantine polynomial.*
> Degree 4 diophantine polynomials aren't going to be DOING any emulating
> or DOING anything else either until something changes, and numbers can't
> change and neither can their relationships, so they can't DO anything. But
> matter/energy can change and its the only thing that can, so it's the only
> thing that can DO stuff.

I thought you "weren't religious". This looks like blind faith to me.

Don't worry, I'll say it for you:

> Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never heard
> that one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.

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