> On 11 Jan 2019, at 12:18, Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday, January 11, 2019 at 4:16:13 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 11 Jan 2019, at 10:03, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
>> wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 8:27:20 PM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 12:18 PM Brent Meeker <meek...@verizon.net <>> wrote:
>> On 1/10/2019 4:21 PM, John Clark wrote:
>>> So even Feynman knew that there was no theoretical value for the FSC, alpha.
>>> No,  he knew very well there was a theory that could come up with a value 
>>> because his own Feynman Diagrams could do it. But what he didn't know and 
>>> what nobody knows is why his theory came up with that particular pure 
>>> number when he never specifically stuck that number into the rules on how 
>>> the diagrams should operate.
>> The fine structure constant is e^2/hbar*c.  Those three values are measured 
>> independent of any Feynman diagrams of quantum field theory.  The 
>> calculation using Feynman diagrams is of the anamolous magnetic moment.   A 
>> correction to the value of g that depend on relativistic effects (hence the 
>> occurence of c in the denominator).  The anamolous magnetic moment can be 
>> measure experimentally and using Feynman's diagrams and the measured values 
>> of e, hbar, and c a value can be calculated that includes the relativistic 
>> effects of quantum field theory. That's why the agreement with measurement 
>> is significant.
>> Right. The relation between fundamental physical constants, alpha = 
>> e^2/hbar*c, is the closest one gets to a "theoretical" value for the FSC. 
>> But that defines it in terms of other measured quantities. (Except that 
>> these days, c is a defined number, not a measured physical parameter.) The 
>> CODATA group use these theoretical relationships between constants, together 
>> with the best available measurements, to make simultaneous fits to all the 
>> constants and the data.That is where independent, "best values" for these 
>> parameters come from. It is using these in the Feynman diagram calculation 
>> of corrections to g-2 that gives the remarkable agreement between theory and 
>> experiment. The point, though, is that the value of the FSC used in 
>> calculating g-2 must be obtained independently of the g-2 measurement or 
>> else it is not a test of QED.. Conversely, of course, the g-2 measurement 
>> can be use to estimate the FSC independently of other measurements.
>> Bruce
>> Brent
>> As the Robert Geroch, James Hartle paper points out
>>     the issue of whether the existence of an algorithm to implement a theory 
>> should be adopted
>>     as a criterion for acceptable physical theories. 
>> if you want measurable constants to be computable, adopt a theory that does 
>> so.
> Some constant might be intrinsically not computable. Normally, the physical 
> laws should at some point take into account the probability of (self) 
> halting, which would introduce a non computable constant in nature, although 
> it would be computable from the halting oracle. Mechanism prevents the 
> physical reality from being entirely computable. I suspect Planck constant to 
> be not computable, because if we extract QM from arithmetic, the Planck 
> constant might very well related to the mechanist substitution level.
> We cannot choose a theory according to our metaphysical state, especially in 
> metaphysics. It has to be corroborated by the facts.
> Bruno
> Just as an example of another theory
> The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
> Gerard ’t Hooft
> https://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.1548.pdf
> What is computable in that theory?

Everything apparently, which makes it incompatible with mechanism, ironically 

I am not convinced either that super-determinisms makes sense, but this 
requires more thought.

I will take some time to read that book, but a first glance shows that it does 
not distinguish 3p, 1p, 1p-plural, so if mechanism is correct, something is 
necessarily missing. 

If QM is true and Mechanism is true, logicians and physicists should meet at 
the middle of the mind-body bridge, but ’t Hooft might depart a bit from the 
part of Everett which confirms mechanism.

> Not saying this theory is a good one, but a theory is a theory is a theory.

Yes, that follows from x = x. We agree on everything apparently (despite 
working in antipodal conception of reality).


> - pt
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