On 1/11/2019 1:54 AM, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:

*How can you prepare a system in any superposition state if you don't know the phase angles beforehand? You fail to distinguish measuring or assuming the phase angles from calculating them. One doesn't need Born's rule to calculate them. Maybe what Bruce meant is that you can never calculate them, but you can prepare a system with any relative phase angles. AG *

In practice you prepare a "system" (e.g. a photon) in some particular but unknown phase angle. Then you split the photon, or entangle it with another photon, so that you have two with definite relative phase angles, and with the same frequency,  then those two branches of the photon wave function can interfere, i.e. the photon the interferes with itself as in the Young's slits experiment.  So you only calculate the relative phase shift of the two branches of the wf of the photon, which is enough to define the interference pattern.


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