Finitist Set Theory

"The goal of an engineer who applies FST is to select axioms which yield a 
model that is one-one correlated with a target domain that is to be modeled 
by FST, such as a range of chemical compounds or social constructions that 
are found in nature. ... An applied FST model is always the minimal model 
which satisfies the applied axioms. This guarantees that those and only 
those elements exist in the applied model which are explicitly constructed 
by the selected axioms: only those urs [ ] exist which are stated to exist 
by assigning their number, and only those sets exist which are constructed 
by the selected axioms; no other elements exist in addition to these."

Finitist set theory in ontological modeling
Avril Styrman & Aapo Halko, University of Helsinki
Applied Ontology  (2018)

"This article introduces finitist set theory (FST) and shows how it can be 
applied in modeling finite nested structures. Mereology is a 
straightforward foundation for transitive chains of part-whole relations 
between individuals but is incapable of modeling antitransitive chains. 
Traditional set theories are capable of modeling transitive and 
antitransitive chains of relations, but due to their function as 
foundations of mathematics they come with features that make them 
unnecessarily difficult in modeling finite structures. FST has been 
designed to function as a practical tool in modeling transitive and 
antitransitive chains of relations without suffering from difficulties of 
traditional set theories, and a major portion of the functionality of 
discrete mereology can be incorporated in FST. This makes FST a viable 
collection theory in ontological modeling."

Relation of finitist sets to processes:

The term 'partition level' and the recursive definition of n-member are 
adapted from: 
- Seibt, J. (2015) Non-transitive parthood, leveled mereology, and the 
representation of emergent parts of processes. 
- Seibt, J. (2009). Forms of emergent interaction in general process 

"General Process Theory (GPT) is a new (non-Whiteheadian) process ontology. 
According to GPT the domains of scientific inquiry and everyday practice 
consist of configurations of ‘goings-on’ or ‘dynamics’ that can be 
technically defined as concrete, dynamic, non-particular individuals called 
general processes. The paper offers a brief introduction to GPT in order to 
provide ontological foundations for research programs such as interactivism 
that centrally rely on the notions of ‘process,’ ‘interaction,’ and 
‘emergence.’ I begin with an analysis of our common sense concept of 
activities, which plays a crucial heuristic role in the development of the 
notion of a general process. General processes are not individuated in 
terms of their location but in terms of ‘what they do,’ i.e., in terms of 
their dynamic relationships in the basic sense of one process being part of 
another. The formal framework of GPT is thus an extensional mereology, 
albeit a non-classical theory with a non-transitive part-relation. After a 
brief sketch of basic notions and strategies of the GPT-framework I show 
how the latter may be applied to distinguish between causal, mechanistic, 
functional, self-maintaining, and recursively self-maintaining 
interactions, all of which involve ‘emergent phenomena’ in various senses 
of the term."

cf. Locally Finite Theories


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