Oh, why not both, especially when that defender of freedom, Zuck pushes his 
Libra :-) ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 18, 2019 5:52 am
Subject: Re: Allah: the One and Only Deity

On 13 Jun 2019, at 19:19, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Yes Bruno, back in the day, one of my college profs termed ideologies, to be a 
faith movement. 

I would say that ideologues are blind faith, or dogma. Ideas are better, but 
faith is personal, and we need it to go out of bed every morning.

Hence, Lysenko, Stalin, Mao, and in my view, progressivism (like Juncker, like 
Soros) push for their faith movement.  

Faith movement makes no sense, but I guess I quibble on vocabulary here.

That is my dig, but also an honest observation. As we say in the US, 
ideologists aren't playing with a full deck. 

Yes, it is “bad faith”, or just a trick to steal your money.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Jun 13, 2019 7:27 am
Subject: Re: Allah: the One and Only Deity

On 12 Jun 2019, at 05:09, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:
iI like the Pastafatians. However I am not against religion, just the mentality 
of the fanatic. Fanaticism usually means If you don't obey us, we will kill 
youThis mentality is not just hugely, seen, among the Islamists.But also, their 
political chums, the Progressives (socialists & communists who are funded by 
billionaires)There is also, surprisingly to myself, great self-righteousness 
expressed by this lot, in excess, of the Christian fundamentalist.Beyond this, 
if Atheism works for you? Spectacular. If doing religious craps allow one to 
enjoy some psycho-social activity? Splendid.I do love Outre' observations by 
some physicists, because it permits our species to break free. I mean it's 
physics, it's either going to work or not, right? On the other hand, a gigantic 
budget would be required to test some conjectures. 

Yes, the problem is not any domain per se, but the fanaticism of those who 
claim to know the truth, again, that works for any domain.
But sometimes, a political authoritative regime choose some domain to make 
truth claim, like Lyssenko in USSR genetics, or like with the frequent use of 
religion by unscrupulous manipulators.
People who claim not having a religion are usually people not aware of their 
hypotheses. They take something fro granted, unconsciously. It is normal, as we 
have plausibly been “programmed” in that way, for survival purposes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com>
To: Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 11, 2019 4:07 pm
Subject: Re: Allah: the One and Only Deity

On Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 2:31:52 PM UTC-5, spudb...@aol.com wrote:
"One man's theology is another man's belly laugh." -Lazarus Long aka Robert 

There is a religion called Comedism:

via Steve 

Comedism: The New ReligionSteve GimbelProfessor of Philosophy, Gettysburg 

It all started with a couple of experiences in the classroom. The first was 
when I was teaching a night class in ethics at a local community college. I was 
drawing the distinction between social mores and ethical precepts when a 
students raised his hand and asked, "Steve, what are mores?" I looked at him 
and responded, "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a 
more." At that moment, I realized that set ups that perfect don't just happen 
randomly, it had to be humorous divine intervention. I had been touched.
Then a few years later, I was teaching philosophy of religion at the United 
States Naval Academy when I had my second insight. If you want to go anywhere 
in the religion industry these days, you have to be either Mother Teresa or Pat 
Robertson -- and neither seemed attractive career paths. But when you look at a 
number of those who are most exalted, they fit neither model. Abraham pimps out 
his wife to the Egyptian army, the disciples quarrel and quibble about 
everything. How'd these guys end up on the fast track to sanctification? They 
figured out the trick...get in early. So I realized that my only option was to 
start own religion.
Pondering this, I was teaching the tradition Christian arguments for the 
existence of God and realized that if the All-Being was to be all perfect, the 
traditional criteria of all powerful, all loving, and all knowing were 
insufficient...there was a perfect left out...all funny. Would you prefer to be 
with someone who had a good sense of humor or no sense of humor? Surely a 
perfect being would be omnihumorous! Yet nowhere in the traditional scriptures 
of the major religions could you find any real zingers. Not even a "Knocketh, 
Knocketh" joke. And so Comedism was born, I realized it was my job to hear the 
calling and spread wide the funny news.
Metaphysical Beliefs 
The basic beliefs of Comedism are not that different from other religions. Life 
is fleeting and a test for the hereafter. Like the Buddhists, we believe that 
on Earth you strive for a state of bodilessness. You can foresee this nirvana 
in the sort of full out belly laugh that you get from a really good joke. When 
you laugh so hard that your spirit is ultimately joyful, but your sides ache, 
you can't breathe, you roll around on the floor unable to stand, you realize 
that it is the humorous soul and not the things of the body that are important.
When you die, like Christians, we believe your soul goes up and there before 
the pearly gates stands Saint Shecky with his big book. Each of us is given a 
number of set ups during our life times and for all those, like "that's a 
more," that you convert into jokes, you get one mark in the good column. But 
then there are those you miss. Years ago, I was walking and a couple looked at 
me strangely. Before they passed the man said to me, "Didn't we just see you 
with a dog?" I simply reply, "I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone 
else." But as they were walking away, I realized the correct response was to 
retort indignantly, "Excuse me, that was my wife." I had blown a set up. It was 
one in the bad column. When you are judged, if there are more in the good 
column than in the bad column, you go to Comedy heaven and sit at Groucho's 
right hand. If there are more in the missed than made column, you go to comedy 
hell where it is always hot, water is only in dribble glasses, all the chairs 
have whoopee cushions, and you have to watch reruns of Three's Company over and 
over again for all of eternity.
We believe that the key to acting well is understanding the nature of the joke. 
Jokes have two parts, a set up in which a normal situation you think you 
understand is sketched (a chicken crosses a street or the pope, a rabbi, and a 
Viagra salesman walk into a bar) and then the punchline that forces you 
radically rethink how you understood the world of the set up (to get to the 
other side or at least the beer isn't flat anymore). The humor exists in that 
moment when your brain is split, trying unsuccessfully to resolve the tension 
between the two incompatible interpretations. The very possibility of a joke 
presupposes that reality may always be looked at in more than one way. We must 
see life as a great joke -- there are always perspectives other than our own 
and we must strive to get the joke by adopting other people's perspectives. As 
such, it is impossible for there to be Comedist fundamentalists -- a 
fundamentalist is someone who takes a literal interpretation of scripture, 
someone who denies that there can be multiple legitimate interpretations, but 
this is impossible for a Comedist who believes from the start that there are 
ALWAYS multiple interpretations of everything or else it wouldn't be funny.
We believe in spreading joy. We believe in overcoming pride through 
self-deprecation. We believe through the symbol of the banana peal that nature 
provides and must be protected. We believe in gay marriage because "take my 
civilly united domestic partner" really screws up the timing. We believe that 
April 1st is the holiest day of the year. And we believe that Cosmic Comedist 
has revealed the universal joke in our Holy Skripture, the Comedist Manifesto 
(well, at least that he will since I haven't gotten around to writing most of 
it anyway).
All you have to do to join is to sing the chorus the next time it comes 
around...with feelin'. Comedism is a simple religion to convert to, just say 
you are in and you are. And remember, if you get in early, fast-track to 
Live, love, and laugh,
Irreverend Steve

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