On Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 12:13:34 AM UTC+2, Pierz wrote:
> Howdy cowboy. I know what you're saying. Everyone here has their drum to 
> bang - and bang it they will! I once described the fight between John Clark 
> and Bruno over the third person indeterminacy (step 3 or whatever it is) as 
> being like one of those Siberian coal fires that has been burning since the 
> start of the 20th century. I think for now it is dormant  - but I'm 
> hesitant even to mention it, since that may be all it needs to burst into 
> flame again... It all becomes rather sterile and exhausting even to watch. 
> Hence why I'm not here so much any more. On the other hand, we're all 
> people who are in love with trying to understand the deep nature of things, 
> and whatever human foibles get in the way, surely it's not the worst 
> possible way to go to through the world. Anyway, to your main point, there 
> is, I think, a point, beyond the intellectual game. I have no interest in 
> defending any fortress. I believe that the western bias towards thinking in 
> terms of things with intrinsic properties has had many unfortunate 
> consequences. It means we tend to see people as individuals with intrinsic 
> characters rather than parts of a system, which causes us to blame them, 
> often enough, for their suffering. It has blinded us to critical 
> environmental interdependencies. 

There is no requirement for a discursive vehicle that explains everything. 
Conspiracy discourses accomplish that all the time but lead nowhere. On 
this list the burden of proof should always lay on those that propose to 
explain everything.

But a discourse that specifies a pluralism that ditches the usual one vs 
many issues, idealism, belief, religions etc. is a candidate for breaking 
the gridlock of always framing what's going on politically at the level of 
nation states, with all the potential for ugly nativist/purist nonsense. 
Instead I see sexier discourses run more along the lines of specifying that 
pluralism, say in cultural, scientific, and biodiversity senses, is an 
international security and survival matter with the potential to override 
the traditional war zones of philosophy of science, aesthetics, even belief.

Bruno can defend his 30 year old thesis here forever but its defense costs 
diversity, like the guy at the party who must always tear the conversation 
to his pet topic and cannot relate to folks on their own terms without 
dominating their discourse á la behold the supreme unified truth of the 
G*/G split and your deviation from the truth that there is no truth, over 
which I, the only last remaining sincere scientist preside. He could tattoo 
his diamonds on his face, take a photo, and just post the photo when he 
looses his cool with Brent, Russell, Telmo, Bruce, Phil etc. when their 
posts waver from the divine truth of the mechanical übersoul and save 
everybody time.

Explanations, reality, truth etc. can be overrated because you don't need 
to believe in a certain ontology, truth, personal religions, views etc. if 
we can agree on some higher level e.g. that things are sexy regardless of 
discursive origins and games: like aiming for biodiversity in oceans at a 
global level, with global budgets and research. More protection, efficient 
management, increasing biodiversity means more fish in the sea, more fish 
on peoples' plates, money in fishermen pockets, resilience of these 
resources to changing climates: https://www.pnas.org/content/113/22/6230, 
more potential for cleaner tourism, better dives for Russell, all of which 
should charge more research. The notion that we somehow have to align on 
what the physical or real world is to be able to proceed is innocent but 
devoid of pragmatic ability. Yawn on the sophomoric innocent debates 
running for thousands of years: the time is now.

More relations, more food, better survival, sustainability, more access to 
more resources, more sophisticated approaches to ethics and problems of 
evil and law seem sexier than betting everything on a single ontological 
horse and policing its dance moves. The road to infinite sexiness of 
interest. Not merely to modestly maintain some multiplicity/diversity, but 
to expand these because dominant narratives and discourses are control 
structures that require too much costly stupidity and unhappiness to 
maintain. Desert barreness instead of colorful jungles with higher 
resilience and increasing checks and balances. The virtuous circle of 
sexiness: I don't know who or what the world or its subjects are but I 
don't care fundamentally because I'm having better sex, purer poison, and 
meaning embodied and shared in more resilient environments. PGC

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