On 7/17/2019 3:29 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 16 Jul 2019, at 19:37, 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

On 7/16/2019 3:58 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
The consciousness of the universal machine is timeless, and spaceless. It is 
somehow 100% unfocused, without any attention, and it might plausibly be 
related to the highly dissociative state that some people seemed to describe in 
experience with some drug.
And yet you have to ask me how it is that your definition of consciousness does 
not comport with my experience of it??
You are right. I have to ask you exactly that.

It would have helped if  you could have been more specific.

Which one of the quasi-axioms does not met your experience?

1) Do you think it is false to be conscious for a conscious entity?

??  That a tautology, not a quasi-axiom.


2) Do you think it is false that consciousness is (immediately, without asking 
an intellectual effort) knowable?

I'm not sure that's true.  I think consciousness is knowable on reflection: "Yes, I was conscious of that."  But I'm not sure what "immediately" means in this context.


3) Do you think it is false that consciousness is not definable (without 
mentioning truth or god, …)

I don't know what that means.    If I say "Consciousness is an inner narrative." have I mentioned "truth" because I think that's a true statement?  And what god do you refer to?  Bal, Yawheh, Zeus, Loki, Thor,...  And what do they have to do with it?


4) Do you think it is false that a conscious entity cannot prove or justify 
rationally that it is conscious?

Yes, I think this is false.  I think a conscious entity must be able to show a certain level of intelligence.


5) Do you think that something important about consciousness is missing?

Yes.  It says nothing about being conscious OF something or acting intelligently.  Within that definition a rock could be conscious.


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