Yes, Bruno, it's all axiomatic. Having said this, we can do away with MWI by 
simply calling it all, an infinite (my term is near-infinite, a non sequitur), 
and we still hypothetically receive the same results as chaotic inflation, or 
the happy Hugh Everett, dance of worlds. From trans-cosmic invaders from 
alternate Earths, I'd hope it would be from 3 different cosms where other human 
species were successful. Dance with Denisovans, battle with Neanderthals, do 
mathematics with Boskones (they gota be good at math with those big heads?). We 
leave one discussion out of our thoughts. Which is how many of these oblate 
spheroids that we split off to, are just empty vacuums, or false vacuums? Thus, 
it's the internal content of any given cosmos that matters. No minds (to me) 
equals non-consciousness, and that Swiss guy, Schrodinger seems to agree with 
me. I'll just jot off and submit this to the committee and await my Fields 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 16, 2019 1:25 pm
Subject: Re: Another physicist in mental decline (Sean Carroll)

On 16 Sep 2019, at 02:46, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<> wrote:
My guess is among the physics community, most, would be mildly, skeptical of 
MWI, because it's a bridge too far to get evidence of, as yet and thus, 

Hmm… I will criticise this on two levels.
1) there are evidence: Nature loves to multiply things, and each time we said 
that we know what our universe is, we get later that it was multiple. We have 
believe that Earth was the world, then that the solar system was the world, 
then that the galaxy was the world, then thanks to Hubble the guy, we 
eventually accept what Kant did suggest, that our galaxies are themselves 
multiple, and now we see them like little bacteria engulfed in filaments made 
of a mysterious matter, along with an observable matter no less mysterious as 
it implies a still bigger multiplication. 

2) Occam Razor. If you can explain everything with the axiom A and without the 
axiom B, get rid of axiom B, especially if it put some mess in your theory.The 
Mechanism + SWE 
is simply much more conceptually simple than the theory 
SWE + an ontological physical collapse of on ontological physical wave (without 
mentioning the dualism in the implicit theory of mind).
Only one problem, for Mechanism to work, and notably to get the qualia 
extending the quanta (like G* extend G, or Z1* extends Z1), we need to re-prove 
constructively that Mechanism -> SWE, but there are promising result (I dare to 
say) in that direction.
Yes, the less axioms you have, the more possibilities/models you get, and with 
mechanism, there is a simple explanation why the possibilities have to 
interfere at some point. 
The most plausible theory is Mechanism. You need only to believe in 2+2=4 & Co. 
The appearance of the many worlds and they laws is explained from that, and in 
a precise way so that it can be tested, and thanks to QM, it works, and it 
explains the relation between qualia and quanta, consciousness and matter, etc. 
Maybe wrongly, but that has to be shown.
There are zero universe, also. So we get the conceptual Occam (smaller theory) 
and the ontological Occam, no physical universe at all, but a universal dreamer 
(the universal machine lost in an incredible web of dreams, some coherent up to 
make it able to say “hello” to itself, and develop infinite conversations, like 
bacteria ...

Having said this, many cosmologists are still having a cat fight about the 
Hubble Constant (The rate of cosmological expansion). my suspicion is, that 
once we get to the point of hanging truly gigantic telescopes on the periphery 
of the solar system, new discoveries will be made, and revisions to old laws of 
physics will be done. We'll gain a few definitive answers through observation, 
and we shall see that quantum in action at a vastly large scale. Relatedly, 
hey!, where's my dark matter? in fact, hey!, where's my fusion reactors. Ah! So 
much for the 'mentally fit' physicists and astronomers….

Nothing is simple. Not even Nothing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Thrift <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 15, 2019 7:03 pm
Subject: Re: Another physicist in mental decline (Sean Carroll)

On Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 5:46:13 PM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:

On Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 3:34:10 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:


Sean Carroll's many-selves

And the good news is ... the one in this world is going bald. AG 

And (many would say) going crazy.
There is obviously (in his view) a world where a Sean Carroll is a "one world" 
quantum theorist. 

@philipthrift v=zsXCwUsuvKo

On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 11:45:41 PM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote: sean-carroll-thinks-we-all- 

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