On Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 5:25:56 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote:
> On 11/7/2019 4:13 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> They've sent 2000-atom sized molecules through double slits.
>> What about sending cats?
>> You will loss the ability to get the interference, because it is hugely 
>> more complex to isolate a cat from the environment, so its alive or dead 
>> state will be pass on you unavoidably very quickly.  See my explanation to 
>> Grayson why any (unknown) interaction of an object in a superposition state 
>> makes it logically impossible to remain in a superposition relatively to 
>> you. It uses only very elementary algebra. The quantum effect, to be 
>> exploited, require perfect isolation, which is impossible for most 
>> macroscopic object. But some “macro-superposition” have been obtained with 
>> superconducting device. In fact, superconductor is a quantum macroscopic 
>> effect.
>> Aside from the isolation problems the de Broglie wavelength of a cat is 
>> extremely small so to get an interference pattern the slit and slit spacing 
>> must be correspondingly small.  The C60 experiment was only made possible 
>> by the development of the Tablot-Lau interferometer.
>> Brent
> I've made this point before; the decoherence time for a cat is very very 
> short, but how does this effect the point Schroedinger wanted to make, 
> since the cat is in that paradoxical superposition for some short but 
> finite duration? AG 
> There is no paradox.  It's just some hang up you have that a cat can't be 
> dead and alive at the same time.  It's as though your physics was stuck in 
> the time of Aristotle and words were magic so that "Alive implies 
> not-dead." was a law of physics instead of an axiom of logic.
> In fact a moments thought will tell you that quite aside from quantum 
> mechanics there would be no way to identify the moment of death of the cat 
> to less than a several seconds.  It would be simply meaningless to say the 
> cat was alive at 0913:20 and dead at 0913:21.
> Brent

You can imagine a different experiment, without cats, with the same 
paradoxical result. The point of Schroedinger's thought experiment was to 
demonstate tHE title of this thread; that there's something wrong with the 
prevailing interpretation of superposition. In your view I am hung up with 
Aristotle? In my view, you're seduced by some quantum nonsense. AG 

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