> Il 15 novembre 2019 alle 1.20 Lawrence Crowell 
> <goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>     On Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 4:25:16 PM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
>         > >         The problem with physics is physicists ! Yeah, that's my 
> conclusion after many years of studying, arguing and reading. Many, perhaps 
> most, attribute ontological character to what is epistemological; namely the 
> wf. This leads to all kinds of conceptual errors, and ridiculous models and 
> conjectures -- such as MW, particles being in two positions at the same time, 
> radiioactive sources that are simultanously decayed and undecayed, and so 
> forth. The wf gives us information about the state of a system and nothing 
> more. Sorry to disappoint. AG
> > 
> >     > 
>     As I see it the wave function is epistemological on Mondays, Wednesdays 
> and Fridays, but ontological on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. On Shabbat 
> it is neither. 
>     LC 

"Interpretations of quantum mechanics, unlike Gods, are not jealous, and thus 
it is safe to believe in more than one at the same time. So if the many-worlds 
interpretation makes it easier to think about the research you’re doing in 
April, and the Copenhagen interpretation makes it easier to think about the 
research you’re doing in June, the Copenhagen interpretation is not going to 
smite you for praying to the many-worlds interpretation. At least I hope it 
won’t, because otherwise I’m in big trouble." -Peter Shor

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