On Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 11:42:29 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
> On Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 6:22:05 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
>> On 11/21/2019 11:28 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:
>> They make predictions of outcomes whether or not those outcomes are ever 
>> observed.
>> It's tautalogous that predictions are of "outcomes". The point was that 
>> they can be judged right or wrong* only* if they are predictions of 
>> *observations.*  Otherwise they are like your priest predicting that a 
>> donation to the church will put you in heaven when you die.
>> Whether predictions are "right" or not is a pragmatic practice that is 
>> outside the scientific model/formulation/theory itself.
>> A pragmatic practice?   So when Eddington measured the deflection of 
>> starlight by the Sun, he should have then asked himself whether it will be* 
>> useful *to think that his observation matched Einstein's predict?  He 
>> should have thought about what papers could be written and chairs endowed?
>> Brent
> Models make predictions of outcomes whether they are observed by humans 
> (or hypothetical intelligent beings) or not. The models predict outcomes in 
> galaxies far from ours. In multiverse models, they may make predictions of 
> outcomes in other universes where we don't even live.
> How human observations relate to models (their predicted outcomes) is a 
> matter of *pragmatic philosophy*, or so-called agreed-upon scientific 
> practice. But this is not part of the models.
> @philipthrift

Also models (like Einstein Field Equations) make predictions of outcomes 
that are at odds with observations (quantum-scale phenomena, wormholes, 
etc.), but we still keep them around. Again, that's *pragmatic philosophy*. 
They are just tools that my be replaced by other tools in the future.


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