On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 9:44:07 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote:
> On 2/21/2020 8:19 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 8:28:32 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote: 
>> On 2/21/2020 7:02 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>> On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 12:42:20 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote: 
>>> On 2/21/2020 5:40 AM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>> On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 3:48:56 AM UTC-7, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
>>>> On 21 Feb 2020, at 09:47, Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 12:46:57 AM UTC-7, Philip Thrift wrote: 
>>>>> On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 2:59:05 PM UTC-6, Alan Grayson 
>>>>> wrote: 
>>>>>> I think Bruce's position is that quantum processes are inherently 
>>>>>> random and thus NOT computable. Doesn't this conclusion, if true, 
>>>>>> totally 
>>>>>> disconfirm Bruno's theory that the apparent physical universe comes into 
>>>>>> being by computations of arithmetic pre-existing principles or 
>>>>>> postulates? 
>>>>>> AG
>>>>> William James thought belief in *determinism* is a form of *religious 
>>>>> bondage*.
>>>>> https://www.informationphilosopher.com/solutions/philosophers/james/
>>>>> @philipthrift
>>>> But true randomness, as the opposite of determinism, could be equated 
>>>> with UN-intelligibility. AG 
>>>> To postulate it is irrational. OK. But once the randomness admits a 
>>>> simple explanation, like with the self-duplicating procedure, it becomes 
>>>> intelligible. Everett saves physics from being un-intelligible, and 
>>>> indeed, 
>>>> leads to the explanation by arithmetic and its internal meta-arithmetic (à 
>>>> la Gödel).
>>>> Bruno
>>> But, as I just pointed out in my previous message, the price paid is way 
>>> too high to avoid randomness; that is, self-duplication is too silly to be 
>>> believable. I prefer a possible middle ground; that the universe isn't 
>>> really stochastic  (an inference from QM), but pseudo random. AG
>>> You should read Ruth Kastner's book on "The Transactional 
>>> Interpretation".
>>> Brent
>> Thanks, but I am not an enthusiast of the TI, since it requires 
>> pro-active processes for each particles going backward in time. 
>> Kastner modifies that by hypothesizing a "possibility space" in which the 
>> "hand-shake" takes place.  But it still involves a "confirmation wave" 
>> which extends back in time from the absorber (and forward in time from the 
>> emitter).  
>> I've asked this before, but haven't gotten a reply, or at least one I can 
>> recall. What's wrong with just assuming that in a superposition of states, 
>> the amplitudes give us the probability of each state in the sum, and NOT 
>> that the system is in all states simultaneously? 
>> Think of applying that to a silver atom in an SG experiment.  It is in an 
>> UP spin state (with probability 1.0) but it's also in LEFT spin state with 
>> probability 0.5 and a RIGHT spin state with probability 0.5.  So it's total 
>> probability is 2.0.
> *I was taught that the sum of probabilities in any basis must be 1.0. I 
> never heard of adding up probabilities in more than one basis. AG *
> That's the point.  P=2.0 makes no sense.  Yet those two states are 
> mathematically the same in QM. How are you going to get P(UP)=1.0 by 
> summing over states of LEFT and RIGHT?

*If you sum over either representation, you get 1.0. I don't see any 
problem. AG*

>> Doesn't this interpretation resolves most, or all of the alleged 
>> paradoxes of QM? TIA, AG 
>> No.  The problem arises when there's a measurement and the problem has 
>> three parts:
>> 1. What basis will the result be in, i.e. why is the cat |alive> or 
>> |dead> and never 0.7|alive>+0.3|dead> ?
> *The cat inherits the probabilities of the radioactive source, which I 
> suppose is .5 for decayed and undecayed. AG *
> Then why isn't it in a state 0.707|alive>+0.707|dead>?

*Where did .5 for |alive> and |dead> states come from? AG *

>> 2. When is the measurement process complete?  The problem of Wigner's 
>> friend.
>> 3. Why does the Born rule hold?
> *Why does any rule hold? Why, for example, are conjugate observables 
> anti-commutative? AG *
> See Vic's "Comprehensible Cosmos" appendix on QM.

*I have it. I'll look. AG *

> Brent
>> I think Zurek's envariance based quantum Darwinism is closest to have a 
>> complete solution; but it still seems to have multiple worlds.
>> Brent

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