On Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 5:53:27 AM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 7:31:18 PM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 1:53 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
>>> On 11-06-2020 02:01, Bruce Kellett wrote:
>>> > Energy and momentum are conserved locally, even in GR where global
>>> > energy conservation fails in a non-static universe.
>>> Not in the sense you are suggesting. Energy and momentum are constant in 
>>> a closed volume and one can then write down the conservation law in a 
>>> local form. But this so-called "local conservation of energy and 
>>> momentum" does not mean that it's conserved in the sense of having a 
>>> constant value everywhere.
>> Bullshit. Energy-momentum conservation comes from translational 
>> invariance of the Lagrangian in space and time. Local conservation is 
>> ensured in GR by the vanishing of the covariant derivative of the 
>> Stress-Energy tensor. Local in this sense means on the scale of the galaxy 
>> or more. In the absence of a time-like Killing vector in an expanding 
>> universe, this conservation breaks down on larger scales, such as the scale 
>> of the Hubble expansion.
>> If you have a theory that violates local energy-momentum conservation in 
>> the above sense, then your theory is wrong. Local conservation does not 
>> mean that energy necessarily has the same constant value everywhere.
>> .........
>>> >> The expectation value of these energies do fluctuate.
>>> > 
>>> > You can introduce coupled harmonic oscillators, but that is not how
>>> > you form a quantized field theory. Such fluctuations arise from
>>> > non-local couplings -- they are not fluctuations of the original
>>> > quantum field. Energy-momentum is locally conserved, even in GR and an
>>> > expanding universe.
>>> > 
>>> The Casimir effect, the effective negative pressure of the vacuum is 
>>> another way to see that your arguments based on local energy 
>>> conservation are wrong. Vacuum fluctuations in the local energy density 
>>> do exist and they have measurable effects.
>> I wondered when this would come up. It is always the last resort of those 
>> who contend that vacuum fluctuations in local energy densities are real. I 
>> remember reading a comprehensive review of the Casimir effect in a 
>> scholarly article in Rev. Mod. Phys. a few years ago. Unfortunately, I did 
>> not keep a reference, and I have been unable to find this paper again. But 
>> I do remember the main points of the analysis: They discuss the 
>> Mickey-Mouse Comic-Book explanation of the Casimir effect in terms of 
>> supposed vacuum fluctuations, but they dismiss this approach as 
>> insufficiently general. They give a detailed account of the Casimir effect 
>> in terms of generalized van der Waals forces. The reason for preferring 
>> this explanation (over vacuum fluctuations, sidestepping the question of 
>> whether these fluctuations exist or not)  is that the van der Waals 
>> explanation extends seamlessly to the Casimir effect between irregular 
>> surfaces -- indeed, to the attractive force between a point and a plane 
>> surface -- where the fluctuation model is silent.
>> Bruce
> *I'd like to do a search for this paper. Perhaps you can give me some 
> information, even approximate, in order to find it, such as approximate 
> name, author or authors, approximate date of publication, and anything else 
> you can recall. TIA, AG *

*To put it as politely as possible, and undeservedly so, why must ethical 
challenges, yours, be part of this picture? AG *

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