On 6/19/2020 9:35 AM, John Clark wrote:
A gene called "ARHGAP11B" that is found in humans and in no other animal has long been thought to be at least partially responsible for humans having an extremely large brain with a high degree of cortical folding. All other primates have a similar gene, but a point mutation happened between 500,000 and 1.5 million years ago and a single C was changed to a G in the human version. In yesterday's issue of the journal Science researchers report than when Genetic engineering was used to insert the human gene ARHGAP11B into the fertilized egg of a small monkey (a marmoset ) the result was a fetus with about 45% more neurons in the neocortex than a normal fetus and 3 times as many glial cells. A marmoset gestation period is 152 days but because it had a human gene in it the fetus was aborted after just 101 days due to ethical guidelines, so it's not known how such an animal's behavior would change if it was allowed to come to term.

Human-specific ARHGAP11B increases size and folding of primate neocortex in the fetal marmoset <https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/06/17/science.abb2401>

So one gene made it necessary to abort because it might have a humaness...which you must not abort because humaness implies a soul??

How did our ethical guidelines become so irrational?

I wonder how it would affect a dog?  I'll be there would be a market for smarter dogs.  And where there's a market, there's a way.


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