Whether forcing does anything for physics, I don't know, but ultimately it 
could be in future proof assistants (like Lean, Coq, etc.) and programming 
languages as a continuation of

   - monadic programming
      - Every function can be computable! 
      - A Haskell monad for infinite search in finite time 
      - Computing in Cantor’s Paradise 



On Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 5:02:42 PM UTC-5 Lawrence Crowell wrote:

> On Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 6:48:08 AM UTC-5, Philip Thrift wrote:
>> https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00418
>> [Submitted on 1 Jul 2020]
>> *Forcing as a computational process*
>> Joel David Hamkins 
>> <https://arxiv.org/search/math?searchtype=author&query=Hamkins%2C+J+D>, 
>> Russell 
>> Miller 
>> <https://arxiv.org/search/math?searchtype=author&query=Miller%2C+R>, Kameryn 
>> J. Williams 
>> <https://arxiv.org/search/math?searchtype=author&query=Williams%2C+K+J>
>> We investigate how set-theoretic forcing can be seen as a computational 
>> process on the models of set theory. Given an oracle for information about 
>> a model of set theory ⟨M,∈M⟩, we explain senses in which one may 
>> compute M-generic filters G⊆ℙ∈M and the corresponding forcing 
>> extensions M[G]. Specifically, from the atomic diagram one may compute G, 
>> from the Δ0-diagram one may compute M[G] and its Δ0-diagram, and from the 
>> elementary diagram one may compute the elementary diagram of M[G]. We also 
>> examine the information necessary to make the process functorial, and 
>> conclude that in the general case, no such computational process will be 
>> functorial. For any such process, it will always be possible to have 
>> different isomorphic presentations of a model of set theory M that lead to 
>> different non-isomorphic forcing extensions M[G]. Indeed, there is no Borel 
>> function providing generic filters that is functorial in this sense.
>> @philipthrift
> Forcing is a bizarre idea, where one introduces some new category or 
> objects that extends a model. In some ways we do this with the extension of 
> mathematics from the reals to complex numbers. The forcing of one system 
> into another has some connections to the Jordan-Banach algebra as well. The 
> replacement of a Poisson bracket structure {X, Y} → i/ħ[X, Y], is given by 
> the replacement of generators that are Jordan with product rule A∘B = ½(AB 
> + BA) to a Lie algebraic ad_A(B) = [A, B] product. For a general quantum 
> system with a Lindblad type equation 
> Idρ/dt = [H, ρ] + ½([Aρ, A^†] + [A, ρA^†]),
> such that the Hamiltonian is an element of the Lie group L, usually as a 
> weight, and the operators A and A^† are operators so that AρA^†,  AA^†ρ, 
> and ρAA^† are operations on the density matrix that are Jordan. Depending 
> upon how one looks at this we can think of the quantum mechanical theory on 
> Fubini-Study metric on ℂP^n, say a metric based action or Lagrangian ℒ = 
> g_{ab}y^ay^b to ℒ = g_{ab}y^ay^b + U(x_1, x_2, … ) with a general 
> Euler-Lagrange equation
> F_i = ∂/∂x_i(∂ℒ/∂y_a)y^a - ∂ℒ/∂x_i.
> This is component version in Finsler geometry of a differential 1-form ω = 
> πdq – dη. It should be apparent this is similar to the first law of 
> thermodynamics. This is a “practical lesson” in what is meant by forcing. 
> The imaginary valued system is extended to components that are further 
> multiplied by i = √(-1). This is a sort of Wick rotation version of the 
> forcing from reals to complex numbers.
> The Jordan-Banach algebra though is just a start. We have the skew 
> symmetry that corresponds to the conjugate on I = √(-1). This Lie algebraic 
> system is in contrast to the Jordan product and algebra. We also have in 
> physics fundamental properties due to bosonic and fermionic statistics.  In 
> supersymmetry there are the Grassmann numbers that enter in to intertwine 
> between these. Further, on a 2-dimensional space the interchange of two 
> bosons or fermions is ambiguous. This is because a clockwise and 
> counterclockwise rotational exchange are topologically distinct. In 3 
> dimensions of space the paths can be exchanged, but no in two. This means a 
> sign change is possible in either boson or fermion cases. The stretched 
> horizon of a black hole is a 2-dimensional surface and an anionic system 
> for quantum fields. I think this is a foundation for how there are these 
> dichotomies in physics, such as quantum mechanics and macroscopic physics 
> and different statistics.  Instead of physics being founded on very large 
> algebraic systems I think that Wigner had something right with the idea of 
> small groups. The big symmetry systems come about from symmetry breaking or 
> the removal of a degeneracy.
> The fibration and Noether’s theorem in differential forms is λ = p_idq_i – 
> Hdt, where the 1-form has a horizonal p_idq_i and vertical Hdt  principal 
> bundles. This is a Finsler geometric way of seeing Lagrangian dynamics. The 
> differential dλ = dp_i∧dq_i – dH∧dt, vanishes on the contact manifold. In a 
> strict Finsler context the horizontal and vertical bundles are annulled 
> separately. The q_i is the generator of p_i and dp_i = 0 means momentum is 
> invariant under translation and similarly energy is conserved under time 
> translations. If there is a Lagrange multiplier that connects the vertical 
> and horizontal parts of the bundle then we have 
> dp_i∧dq_i – dH∧dt = (dp_i/dt)dt∧dq_i – (∂H/dq_i)dq_i∧dt = [(dp_i/dt) + 
> (∂H/dq_i)]dq_i∧dt 
> which gives us the dynamical equation (dp_i/dt) = -∂H/dq_i. 
> Hamkins et al paper is dense in set theoretic constructions. These things 
> I have some introductory acquaintance with. I am also more interested in 
> the practical transduction of such ideas. I will try to see what I can 
> gather from this paper. Forcing does have some algorithmic connection and 
> the above connects 1/kT ↔ it/ħ with macroscopic system with a temperature, 
> or gravity in the case of spacetime physics, to time in the case of quantum 
> mechanics.
> LC

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