> On 15 Aug 2020, at 23:23, Alan Grayson <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you haven't viewed it, please do so. It's about the Turing Test, science 
> fiction, but the "special effects" aren't primarily photographic bells and 
> whistles, but the dialogue. the text, the logic of the script. Recently, we 
> have argued about consciousness, what it is, and how we can test for it in 
> the context of AI. I claimed that we could do some superficial surgery to 
> determine whether the subject of the test was a robot or a conscious entity. 
> But this is completely mistaken. All that that would reveal is whether the 
> subject was artificial, not whether it was "conscious". The subject could 
> have been a black box, and still showing signs of what we can't really 
> define; consciousness.

Glad to hear that. It looks like you agree with my characterisation of 
consciousness. It is such that “I am conscious” ones the fact that it is

1) True,

2) (immediately) knowable,

3) indubitable (for the sufficiently reflexive conscious entities),

4) non rationally justifiable (non provable),

5) non definable (without invoking a notion of truth or semantic/model)

Then it is a theorem in elementary arithmetic that all digital machine which 
introspect itself (in the canonical sense of Gödel 1931) discover “I am 

Mechanism adds the fact that there is a level such that we survive a digital 
brain transplant.

So we do have a theory of consciousness, and it is testable, as physics has to 
be derived from the measure on the differentiating consciousness flux that this 
theory implies, and we do get what we observed in nature up to now, avoiding to 
add the reduction of the wave postulate (that we (of course?) never observe.

We are back at Pythagorus, enriched by the Church-Turing thesis.

Concerning the Turing test, It makes no theoretical sense, but it can make some 
local practical sense.

> I think Ex Machina provides an answer of what we need to look for. Please 
> view it and report back. But do NOT read the plot, say in Wiki. It's a 
> spoiler. AG

Can we find it on Youtube or similar?


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