On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 2:42 PM 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> On 9/4/2020 7:02 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 11:29 AM 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <
> <everything-list@googlegroups.com>everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> But the theory isn't about the probability of a specific sequence, it's
>> about the probability of |up> vs |down> in the sequence without regard for
>> order.  So there will, if the theory is correct, be many more sequences
>> with a frequency of |up> near some theoretically computed proportion |a|^2
>> than sequences not near this proportion.
> The theory is about the probabilitiies of observations. The observation in
> question here is a sequence of |up> / |down> results, given that the
> probability for each individual outcome is 0.5. If the theory cannot give a
> probability for the sequence,
> It can. But QM only predicts the p=0.5.  To have a prediction for a
> specific sequence HHTTHHHTTHTHTH... you need extra assumptions about
> indenpendence.

Sure. And independence of the sequential observations is clearly implied by
the set up.

> And given those assumptions your theory will be contradicted with near
> certainty.


> Which is why I say the test of QM is whether p=0.5 is consistent with the
> observed sequence in the sense of predicting the relative frequency of H
> and T, not in the sense of predicting HHTTHHHTTHTHTH...

I am not attempting to predict a particular sequence. All that I have said
is that the probability of any such sequence in N independent trials is
1/2^N. And that is simple probability theory, which cannot be denied.

then multiply the probabilities for each particular result in your sequence
> of measurements. The number of sequences with particular proportions of up
> or down results is irrelevant for this calculation.
> Again, you are just attempting to divert attention from the obvious result
> that the Born rule calculation gives a different probability than expected
> when every outcome occurs for each measurement. In the Everett case, every
> possible sequence necessarily occurs. This does not happen in the genuine
> stochastic case, where only one (random) sequence is produced.
> In the Everett theory a measurement of spin up for a particle prepared in
> spin x results in two outcomes...only one is observed. If that is enough to
> dismiss Everett then all the this discussion of probability and the Born
> rule is irrelevant.

I have no idea what you are talking about! Nothing like that was ever
suggested. Everett predicts that in such a measurement, both outcomes
obtain -- in separate branches. But the probability of this is one. Repeat
N times. N time one is still just one. There is nothing more to it than
that. I think you are being desperate in your attempts to play 'advocatus
diaboli'. The point is that the Born rule is inconsistent with Everett.


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