On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 5:02 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 7:41 PM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

>> *>> For example, in the MWI picture from Bob's point of view, when he
>> measures his spin, he knows that the spin state of Alice in his sector is
>> the opposite.*
> >That is the question. How does he know this?

In Many Worlds he knows this because when Bob makes a measurement the
universe (which includes Alice) splits into 2, in one universe Bob's photon
is polarized up and Alice's photon is polarized down, and in the other
universe Bob's photon is polarized down and Alice's photon is polarized up.
And that is entirely consistent with Alice's view of the situation.  When
Alice makes a measurement the universe (which includes Bob) splits into 2,
in one universe Alice's photon is polarized up and Bob's photon is
polarized down, and in the other universe Alice's photon is polarized down
and Bob's photon is polarized up. In Many Worlds there are no universes
that have up-up or down-down photons because that would violate
Schrodinger's Equation which demands that angular momentum be conserved,
and the one and only assumption Many Worlds makes is that Schrodinger's
equation means what it says.

> > He is at a spacelike separation and cannot, locally, know either
> Alice's polarizer setting, or her result..

That is nonsense, the experiment has been performed many many times and Bob
ALWAYS makes the correct prediction about the polarization of Alice's

> He cannot know that his spin state is opposite, because he cannot know
> 'opposite to what?'

Huh? Opposite to the polarization measurement that Bob just made,

 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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