For most scientists and especially physicists, "God," just gets in the way. 
There's a Buddha quote that goes, "If you are on your path through the forest, 
and the Buddha stands in your way, strike him down." Meaning, in my 
interpretation :-) that if you have a better way, don't let me stop you. So 
scientists, especially physicists and astronomers need to be able to pursue 
knowledge Deity-free! Sean Carroll don't like it, You don't, nor, do most of 
the worthies here. Some people like to make scrambled eggs with cream, others 
use just water, and some add other ingredients. 
On da Udder hand, said da Cozmic Cow, dere iz dis-2104.03902.pdf (
I don't view Alexander or Smolin or Lanier as scientific light weights, and for 
me, this is enjoyably, provocative. One takeaway from this paper is that, 
physicists and astronomers would then be the "holiest' people there are, 
because they study the divine mind directly..holy...holy...holy cannoli's!!! Ha!
Anyway, its a thought. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Sun, May 22, 2022 6:44 pm
Subject: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness 

It is amazing the depth of nonsense, rot and trash in this thread. This is an 
indication of how utterly worthless religion is when it comes to understanding 
even the most minimal of things.
There is a basic reason why Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine. He and his 
cronies have stolen everything they can steal. It is similar to the Argentine 
strongman Gaultier, who with his cronies had looted the Argentine economy to 
the bone. So to distract public attention away from their crimes Gaultier 
decided that taking the Falklands from Britain was a great idea. A victory of 
that sort would buoy up his standing and ..., yeah it did not work. Putin's 
invasion of Ukraine was meant to do just the same, and the outcome does not 
look too different.
The fall of the Soviet Union did not displace people in charge. All they did 
was to tear up their communist party cards, and the commissars of various 
industries declared themselves capitalists and owners. They became the 
oligarchs of Russia and these gangsters have been plundering Russia ever since. 
The Russian economy has barely muddled along for the last 3 decades. Putin is 
probably the second most wealthy man in the world.
Please folks, knock off the religious rubbish. I see absolutely no reason to 
think there exist any form of disembodied conscious agent. This is whether it 
is YHVH, Jesus, Allah, Vishnu, or ..., including angels, demons, demiurges, 
spirits or immortal souls that exists in some nonphysical form. This is not 
about being pagan as Ben has it; no I do not believe in that crap either,
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