Hi Jason,

This is really interesting, thanks for sharing. Since Wolfram started going in 
this direction, something that occurs to me is this: hypergraphs are perhaps 
one of the most general mathematical constructs that can be conceived of. 
Almost everything else can be seen as a special case of hypergraphs. Like you 
say, with the update rules, we shouldn't be surprised if they are equivalent to 
the UD. My scepticism is this: is anything being gained in terms of explanatory 
power? Should we be surprised that such a powerful representation can contain 
the rules of our reality? I do admit that I have to study these ideas in more 
detail, and there is something really compelling about hypergraphs + update 

"As soon as one starts talking about “running programs” some people will 
immediately ask “On what computer?” But a key intellectual point is that 
computational processes can ultimately be defined completely abstractly, 
without reference to anything like a physical computer. "

Oh boy, John Clark is not going to like this :)


Am Do, 11. Aug 2022, um 20:35, schrieb Jason Resch:
> https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2021/04/why-does-the-universe-exist-some-perspectives-from-our-physics-project/
> I found this fascinating. It appears to have many similarities with the type 
> of physical reality that emerges from then universal dovetailer, with new 
> ways of explaining it and some new insights.
> Jason
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