On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 7:45 AM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 7:07 AM Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.net>
> wrote:
> >> Well, I like Stephen Wolfram
> *> I like him too. Mathematica is a beautiful piece of software and I
>> bought his book "A New Kind of Science" when it came out, which is also
>> beautiful and inspiring.*
> Me too, that book is on my bookshelf only about 10 feet away from me right
> now.
> *> We are physical beings existing within the laws of physics. It could be
>> that there is a larger computational reality, and that our universe and the
>> laws of physics are "local" to the "sector" of the computation that we
>> inhabit. We are experiencing this computational reality from the inside.*
> Yes we could be part of a computer simulation, but the computer simulating
> us must be operating according to physical law, unless it is also a
> simulation. But unless it's turtles all the way down eventually you're
> going to hit the bedrock of physical reality.
> *> The tricky thing, that Jason expanded on better than me, is that the
>> outcomes of computations preexist,*
> The trouble is if all correct computations exist in some sort of platonic
> heaven then all incorrect computations exist there too, you need physics
> to tell the difference. If you have 2 rocks and then find 3 more you can
> make a one to one correspondence between the rocks and the fingers of your
> hand, but if you have 2 rocks and only find 2 more you cannot.
> *> in the sense that the outcome will be the same independently of how,
>> when or where the computation is performed. We might need a physical
>> computer to find out that 12345 * 67890 = 838102050, but it was already and
>> it always has been and will be the case that 12345 * 67890 = 838102050 (by
>> definition of the natural numbers and multiplication).*
> But you needed a physical computer or a physical brain to figure that out.
> If platonic heaven contains everything that is true it also contains
> everything that is false, and there are many more false things than true
> things (that's why science is so difficult) so platonic Heaven is a pretty
> uninteresting place because it is so dense with things that are untrue.

If you read the recent wirings by Wolfram on the Ruliad which I have linked
at the start of this thread, he explains how rather than break down into
complete nonsense from all the possible computations, we can expect
observers to see regularities which leads to a unique system of "laws of
physics" as seen by each observer in the Ruliad.


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