On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 5:51 AM Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.net>

> Am Fr, 12. Aug 2022, um 19:56, schrieb Jason Resch:
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 2:04 AM Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.net>
> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> This is really interesting, thanks for sharing. Since Wolfram started
> going in this direction, something that occurs to me is this: hypergraphs
> are perhaps one of the most general mathematical constructs that can be
> conceived of. Almost everything else can be seen as a special case of
> hypergraphs. Like you say, with the update rules, we shouldn't be surprised
> if they are equivalent to the UD. My scepticism is this: is anything being
> gained in terms of explanatory power? Should we be surprised that such a
> powerful representation can contain the rules of our reality? I do admit
> that I have to study these ideas in more detail, and there is something
> really compelling about hypergraphs + update rules.
> That is a good question. I am not familiar with them myself, but my
> understanding is they do not provide for any form of computation beyond
> what is turing computable, so in that sense, I don't know that they provide
> any additional explanatory power beyond the simple statement that all
> computations exist.
> A commenter on my site recently asked, what can we say about the
> "computer" that computes all these computations. My reply was:
> "There is no single one. There are infinite varieties of different TMs,
> and all can exist Platonically/Arithmetically. Gregory Chaitin discovered
> an equation whose structure models LISP computers. There are likewise other
> equations corresponding to the Java Virtual Machine, and the Commodore 64.
> This is really interesting, I didn't know about that! Can you provide some
> references?


In his 1987 book Algorithmic Information Theory
<https://archive.org/details/algorithmicinfor00chai>, Gregory Chaitin
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregory_Chaitin> describes one such
equation: the “*Exponential Diophantine Equation Computer*.” It has 20,000
variables and is two hundred pages long.

This equation perfectly replicates the behavior of the LISP programming
language <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp_(programming_language)>. He
describes the equation as follows:

If the LISP expression
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expression_(computer_science)> k has no
value, then this equation will have no solution. If the LISP expression k has
a value, then this equation will have exactly one solution. In this unique
solution, n = the value of the expression k.
Gregory Chaitin <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregory_Chaitin> in “*META
MATH! The Quest for Omega <https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0404335.pdf>*” (2004)

> All these Turing machines, and their execution traces of every computer
> program they can run, exist in math in the same sense that the Mandelbrot
> set or the decimal expansion of Pi exist in math. Despite the infinite
> variety of architectures for different Turing machines, their equivalence
> (in the Turing computability sense) makes the question of “Which Turing
> machine is running this universe?” impossible to answer, beyond saying,
> “all of them are.”"
> I agree.


> I think hypergraphs, then, would be just one more mathematical object we
> could add to the heap of Turing universal mathematical objects which could
> (and would, if Platonism is correct) underlie the computations of our
> universe/experiences.
> "As soon as one starts talking about “running programs” some people will
> immediately ask “On what computer?” But a key intellectual point is that
> computational processes can ultimately be defined completely abstractly,
> without reference to anything like a physical computer. "
> My same reply also provided an explanation/argument, which is applicable
> to anyone who accepts simple truths concerning abstract objects have
> definite and objective true/false values, paired with a rejection of
> philosophical zombies. I think John rejects zombies, so he would have to
> reject objective truth to believe a physical computer is necessary to
> produce observers. Below is what I wrote:
> The way I like to think about it is this: If one is willing to believe
> that truth values for mathematical relations like “2 + 2 = 4” can exist and
> be true independently of the universe or someone writing it down, or a
> mathematician thinking about it, that is all you need.
> For if the truth values of certain simple relations have an independent
> existence, then so to do the truth values of far more complex equations.
> Let’s call the Diophantine equation that computes the Wave Function of the
> Hubble Volume of our universe “Equation X”. Now then, it becomes a question
> of pure arithmetic, whether it is true or false that:
> “In Equation X, does the universal state variable U, at time step T
> contain a pattern of electrons that encode to the string:
> ‘why does the existence of Universal Equations imply the existence of
> iterative search processes for solutions?'”
> If that question has a definitive objective truth, then it is the case
> that in the universe U, at time step T, in equation X, there is some person
> in that universe who had a conscious thought, and wrote it down and it got
> organized into a pattern of electrons which anyone who inspects this vast
> equation with its huge variables could see.
> Once you get to this point, the last and final step is to reject the
> possibility that the patterns found in these equations, which behave and
> act like they are conscious, and claim to be conscious, are philosophical
> zombies. In other words, to accept that they are conscious beings, just
> like those who exist in “physical” universes (assuming there is any
> possible distinction between a physical universe, and a physical universe
> computed by a Platonic or Arithmetic Turing Machine).
> I tend to agree with you, because this is the most parsimonious
> explanation of reality than assuming some mysterious
> process/mechanism/entity that makes it so that this particular Universe and
> this particular state of affairs and this particular moment in time is real
> and others are not.

Thank you for that. I have yet to find an idea that can explain more while
assuming less (in this case only assuming that 2+2=4, and the rest can be
shown constructively).


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