On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 1:59 PM Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

* > You pretty much ignored everything I wrote*

What the hell?! I went over what you said point by point.

*> and were exercised to refute the idea of Heisenberg's cut, which neither
> Bohr or I endorsed. *

I don't know about you but Bohr insisted that we treat electrons as quantum
objects but our measuring instruments as classical objects. He also
insisted that human observers were classical objects, but he never
specified exactly where the dividing line between the quantum world and the
classical world was. And if that dividing line isn't the "Heisenberg cut"
then what is? But to be fair to you it's difficult to know exactly what
Bohr endorsed because much of his philosophical prose is virtually
unreadable; that's one reason the Copenhagen adherence can't agree about
fundamentally important things even among themselves.

> * > Do you deny that science relies on definite recorded results*

Experimental results are necessary but they are not sufficient, you also
need a theory to make sense of it all, otherwise it's just a bunch of
numbers.  Experiments can never prove that a theory is correct but it can
prove that a theory is wrong, and it can prove that some theories are less
bad than others.

> *> and simply postulating an evolving wave function*

 Postulating "an evolving wave function" is one way to put it, and a way to
say the same thing with different words is "Schrodinger's equation is
correct". You're the one who postulates that Schrodinger's equation must be
wrong because all those other worlds simply couldn't exist, that would just
be too strange; so despite what the equation says the function must
collapse for some reason. But neither you nor anybody else knows how to fix
the equation. As for me, I say if something isn't broken then don't fix it.

*> does nothing without a theory of how we see definite events? *

 I've already gone over that in some detail, if you disagree with what I
wrote that's fine but be specific about your objection, I refuse to just
keep repeating myself.

> * > Many world has no clear explanation of how many worlds there are and
> how they get weighted or divided*

I've already gone over that in some detail, if you disagree with what I
wrote that's fine but be specific about your objection, I refuse to just
keep repeating myself.

> * > Decoherence theory at least gives us an idea of why a measurement in
> the general sense produces an apparently classical world.*

 Decoherence is fully compatible with Many Worlds, in fact the
interpretation simply wouldn't work without it. Simply put, when
decoherence occurs the universe splits, and when the universe splits
decoherence occurs.

 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



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