On Friday, November 29, 2024 at 1:29:56 PM UTC-7 John Clark wrote:

On Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 3:06 PM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> This is another example of Trump-type behavior*

*Wow, calling a guy known for disliking Trump a Trump supporter, what a 
witty and original insult!  I've never heard that one before, except for 
the 19 dozen +5 times I've heard it from you. *

 *John K Clark *

You keep doing the same dumb thing and think you're being clever. Who does 
this remind you of? Another dumb thing is to substitute a huge number of 
other worlds you have *zero *contact with, to ostensibly get rid of 
collapse of the wf, and claim you got this from S's equation. When S saw 
the results of slit experiments, do you really think he imagined these 
other worlds on a single trial? AG


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