Hi fellow hackers!!
    I have been working for a while during last week on one the blockers
in evolution - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=550414 -
'Folder and summary mismatch error'(old one -
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=213072). As a matter of fact
we have been working as a team to get the blockers down. I have not been
able to reproduce the issue or yet find the exact problematic area.

        The mismatch in the frompos index in the folder summary may be caused
by either a threading issue or a crash while storing the indexes. I am
still investigating it to find the real cause.

        Looking at other issues such as, 
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=522433 - 'Fails opening mbox
> 2GB', just got a thought if we could solve both the issues by,

Approach #1,
migrating local storage from mbox to maildir format. With maildir I have
heard about two issues,

* Not able to create subfolders under INBOX -
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=536240 .

Approach #2,
Migrate from a single mbox file per folder to mbox per email. Srini
mentioned an advantage that this would avoid the file renames that
maildir does. I think this is much like how other remote providers in
evo store the email.

I thought of bring this in this list to gather more opinions to choose
the right one. The approach #2 seems a better one as we are choosing a
way for storing the messages internally in evo. Are we missing to see
anything while we choose the second one ? 

One advantage which I see with #1 is that its a standard way.

Thanks, Chenthill.

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