> I of course read all of those same google posts as well before I
> posted here.  I still do not see why starting evolution causes it. 
> It is definitively Evolution startup that makes it happen. 
> [  579.985355] xfs filesystem being remounted at 
> /newroot/home/greg/.local/share/webkitgtk/databases supports timestamps until 
> 2038 (0x7fffffff)
> [  579.986015] xfs filesystem being remounted at 
> /newroot/home/greg/.cache/fontconfig supports timestamps until 2038 
> (0x7fffffff)
> [  579.986268] xfs filesystem being remounted at 
> /newroot/home/greg/.cache/gstreamer-1.0 supports timestamps until 2038 
> (0x7fffffff)
Ok. It may be starting Evolution that initiates the process that
results in those message being printed, but none of those file paths
are anything to do with Evolution as far as I know.

I suspect that what's happening is that those remounts have been
happening all along silently.  A change in the kernel code has put
these 2038 warnings in, and so they are now visible. There's a
discussion about it at 



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