On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 4:29 AM Milan Crha via evolution-list <
evolution-list@gnome.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 2021-01-17 at 19:39 -0600, Greg Oliver via evolution-list
> wrote:
> > They converted their evolution package to flatpak once I downloaded
> > their source and looked inside it.
>         Hi,
> apparently they did not. Fedora offers both Flatpak and RPM Evolution.
> You can choose which you install. (Kind of) Sadly, GNOME Software
> prefers the Flatpak version over the RPM version (which causes
> confusion to the users). You did not install the Evolution through
> GNOME Software though, because you do not have it installed, thus I
> miss how you could get the Flatpak version of it. Maybe due to using
> Silverblue? You know.
> One thing, maybe I'm wrong, but WebKitGTK 2.30.x defaults to use its
> own sandbox, which has some limitations (one of the most common is an
> inability to print from the Evolution). The sandbox use can be disabled
> with:
>     $ WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution

bingo!  I was in fact webkit.  I mistakenly assumed it was flatpak when I
saw the flatpak files in the RPM from fedora for evolution.  Man I hate
Webkit more and more every day.  I am eventually going to have to stop
using evolution because of it :(

I still have the long standing issue of Webkit not utilizing SMP and it
taking several seconds to render a reply window on very large HTML email
replies.  It has been years, but I still cannot get used to having to wait
to start typing a reply with CPU usage sitting @ 100% on a single core
until it finishes, but that's a separate topic.

Thanks again Milan -

> As it runs bubble wrap in the background, which is used in Flatpak too,
> it can be related. Just a guess from my side, though.
>         Bye,
>         Milan
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