I didn't bring the subject up. You did. And I am still right regardless of
how people wish to justify it in their own minds.
> Why should WE look it up, i.e., check out other professions?  YOU are the
> one making the irrational assertions.  You have stated your arguments many
> times, and you have repeatedly been shot down based upon their
> superficiality.
> Ed Crowley MCSE+Internet MVP
> Freelance E-Mail Philosopher
> Protecting the world from PSTs and Bricked Backups!T
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg Deckler
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 8:25 AM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Migrating from GroupWise 6.5
> I did not say what you say I said.
> What I said was that, in my opinion, accepting honorary titles from vendors
> is a conflict of interest and something that should be avoided by those who
> are, or; technically, consider themselves, professional IT people. That is
> my opinion. And this is not just my opinion, check out other professions and
> their views on accepting honorary titles. Go educate yourself on the subject
> matter.
> Now, the other thing that you are incorrect in is that I did not bring this
> subject up. This subject came up years and years ago back around
> 1996/1997 during normal list discussions. It is not like I just started
> blasting people out of the blue. However, it seems that every time I post to
> this list somebody is still holding a grudge from 1996/1997 and brings this
> subject up. Once it is brought up, I will state my opinion and defend it.
> Money is simply the physical manifestation of ego and thus there is no
> difference between the two. I hold myself to my own professional code of
> conduct. I have no idea if it is better or different or "longer" than anyone
> else's. It is mine and that is all I know.
> > No, You are wrong.
> > 
> > Explain to me how you can tell someone that they are unethical AND not
> > expect it to be taken as an insult.  You feel justified in your 
> > position and that is fine.  When you come into a public forum and say
> > that anyone who is an MVP is unethical, you cannot expect MVPs to take
> > it any other way than an insult.  By making your opinions as a 
> > statement, you have committed catagorical slander on a group of people YOU
> > 
> > If you had said that you disagree with vendor recognition, but that 
> > MVPs do a lot of good for the Microsoft community (this discussion 
> > list being a prime example), then you would be airing your opinion 
> > with out discrediting the good work that some MVPs do.  Can you really
> > blame anyone for accepting recognition?  It is human nature to want and
> deserve laud and attention.
> > 
> > It is obvious that you measure yourself a much longer moral yardstick
> > than the rest of us.  Perhaps you should start your own Exchange list
> > for-the-morally-upright to keep these reactions from happening in the
> > future.
> > 
> > Eric Fretz
> > 
> > L-3 Communications
> > ComCept Division
> > 2800 Discovery Blvd.
> > Rockwall, TX 75032
> > tel:   972.772.7501
> > fax:  972.772.7510
> > 
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