On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 12:21:09PM +0800, BillK wrote:
> Had to answer this one.  As far as a new HD NOW, I did, around 4 yrs
> ago, but decided to keep using this one as well untill it really died,
> which it hasnt yet!!  Its also been moved into different machines a
> number of times, with no change.  The drive has been losing sectors at
> this rate for approx 4 yrs.  Its an old seagate 2.1 gig on my daughters

Four years! Wow. If I were still working at Maxtor, I'd offer to buy it
from you to find out what is going on. That's wild.

The industry standard reaction to loosing several sectors is: replace
it. So it is possible that a lot of drives could have gone on for years
like this one, but were replaced as a precaution.

> PC that gets used for WP & browsing an a few games.  Total lost sector
> count stabilizes around 300-400 or so after a few months.  e2fsk or dos
> scandisk never pick up all the sectors at once, tho scandisk seems
> better initially - picks up around a hundred on install, e2fsck only
> gets a dozen or so on install.  Eventually I will replace it, but seems
> like it will go on in this fashion for a few more years yet, so I am
> unwilling to spend at this time, raticularly if there is a satisfactory
> work around - its just anoying having to fsck it every so often!  As to
> the mechanism of a failure of this type, I dont know as I have never
> seen a drive fail in this fashion and keep going for so long before.

Well, I'd replace it just so I wouldn't have to bother with the hassle of
replacing eaten files, etc.


                -- C^2

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