Hi folks,

Some months ago I got a new computer, and tried Linux
Mandrake 7.0 (I had the free installation disk). And I 
liked it.

Now, some days ago I bought the new Linux Mandrake 7.1: I
had before me three CDs (Installation, Applications and
Sources), and a (surprisingly small) manual. (Not that I
needed an installation manual.)  I like it very much as

Anyway, in the installation process I realized that there
was two additional CDs I didn't have. Well, no problem about
this... for the moment.

But I was puzzled when, after choosing "Development" in the
general orientation for my workstation, and selected ALL the
packages (I checked them one by one anyway), I got installed
the g++ compiler, of course, lots of IDE (like KDevelop),
the binaries of STL (libstdc++....) versions 2.8.1 and a
previous one (I don't remember the number), but 


Now, I work mostly in C++.  How in the hell can I used all
those nice g++ compiler and IDEs, if I CANNOT COMPILE AN
STUPID "Hello, world" THAT USES iostream !??

I got my problem half solved, after looking for the package
libstdc++-devel-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm ... Even then I had to
make some links in order to have a working system. BTW,
there was _no_ such problem in Linux Mandrake 7.0.

My question is: Is this a (stupid/simple) mistake from
Mandrake, or it is done in purpose?

Thanks, and cheers,

 J C
   *    J. C. Gonzalez                   
  .     --------------------------------------------------------------  
  .     Grupo Altas Energias                     Tel.: +34 91 3944491
   .    Dpto.Fisica Atomica,Molecular y Nuclear  Fax : +34 91 3945193   
     *  Fac.CC.Fisicas, UCM           ... . .... . ..... ......... .. 
 .      Avda.Complutense s/n         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   .    E-28040 Madrid, Spain           WWW: www.gae.ucm.es/~gonzalez

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