On Mon, 04 Dec 2000 12:06:19 Stew Benedict wrote:
> You might try using alsactl:
> You can then just add one line in rc.local - alsactl restore

In 7.2 it is done automatically. See:

Launch 'alsamixer' in a terminal. It is not very fancy, but works fine.
Adjust your settings. Save them (you need to be root) in the system
wide config /etc/asound.conf with 'amixer store'.
And here comes the tricky part to guess if you dont know it:
using chkconfig or ntsysv or tksysv, make sure that the 'sound' service
is off, and the 'alsasound' service is on. The latter is responsible
for restoring mixer settings at boot. Just:

chkconfig --list
chkconfig sound off
chkconfig alsasound on
chkconfig --list

That works fine for me.

Juan Antonio Magallon Lacarta                                 #> cd /pub
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     #> more beer

Linux 2.2.18-pre24-vm #2 SMP Wed Nov 29 02:56:21 CET 2000 i686 unknown

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