On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 10:59, sda wrote:

> Oh so if one criticizes MandrakeSoft they're FUD throwers? Comeon, if
> you cannot accept criticism wisely you're nothing but a fool.
> Did you even begin to figure out the math that this guy is throwing
> around? It doesn't make sense that a business model should be based on a
> subscription model, when the current distro is availiable for free
> download. MandrakeSoft has to realize that they will sooner rather than
> later need to make the current version a "payfor" download only. Let users 
> have the last version or two behind only for free.
> OH pleeze - you're nothing but a conspiracy theorist.
> Mandrake deserves to take some hits and some of us shareholders are
> watching carefully, although we do seem to be a minority around here.

It truly is a pleasure to see that your disagree with this post. Given
what you are and the attitudes that you have, it's always a litmus paper
indicator that the correct attitudes are opposite where you stand; kind
of like a broken compass that points south and the correct heading for
the trip is north.  I appreciate your inadvertent mindless

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