On Sunday 17 November 2002 04:22 pm, jarmo wrote:
> Don't blow your head off...
> If you'd read better you'd figure that this is not a laptop..
> Pse read again...
> As said with my orinoco silver card and wavelan pci adapter etc...
> I can get it working...but MDK's installation does not....Not big
> deal...eh?

I have no problems with getting wlan cards working on my laptop (orinoco, 
zoomair, or netgear).  I was never able to get them working properly on my 
desktop with a pci-to-pcmcia adaptor.  The problem appeared to be related to 
IRQs.  What sort of messages do you see in /var/log/messages related to the 
card and/or adaptor?  

I am about to try again - upon purchasing another pci-to-pcmcia adaptor.  If 
that fails, I will try USB which I know works (if you get the correct wlan 
usb device, that is).

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