
That cracks me up...

Its thinking like that that is holding mandrake back...

No point having all the LSB compliance in the world if your files are all
named incorrectly..

The guy that wrote it, did so as a DBD driver for MySQL.. thats its purpose,
thats why it was written..

but they contradict themselves anyway..

by that the pg driver should just have been called:

perl-pg.xx.xx but they got that one right and put DBD in there..

No admins will take mandrake seriously while they have dumbass problems like
I guess thats called "packages arogance"???? to think you know better then
those that wrote the software that they are packaging???



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James Sparenberg
Sent: Friday, 3 January 2003 2:41 AM
To: Expert List
Subject: RE: [expert] DBI/DBD::mysql on Mandrake 9.0

On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 01:05, Franki wrote:
> cancel that question... I just discovered the package is called
> perl-Mysql-1.22_19-5mdk
> The naming conventions for perl modules in mandrake really needs some
> work...
> they should copy the ppm package names, at least they are uniform..
> it should be something like this:
> perl-DBD-mysql-xx.xx.rpm
> Just like the pg module.. eg:
> perl-DBD-Pg-1.01-4mdk.i586.rpm
> but there appears to be no real naming convention in place here....
> go figure...
> rgds
> Frank

Frank I've complained about this kind of nameing problem in the cooker
list, and been told that I was incorrect that MDK's naming is right and
the rest are wrong... *sigh*.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
> Sent: Thursday, 2 January 2003 4:56 PM
> Subject: [expert] DBI/DBD::mysql on Mandrake 9.0
> Hi guys,
> I just heard that the perl DBD::mysql module has not yet been ported over
> perl 5.8
> Can anyone verify that??
> Why on earth would mandrake standardize on 5.8 if such a basic module is
> missing?
> I mean who doesn't use mysql with their perl scripts???
> I have a rather large webapp with mysql DB to put online for work.. and I
> was going to use
> a mandrake box as the server.. if I can't get the DBI code to work.. then
> am shit out of luck
> and will have to use either an older distro, or figure out another
> alternative..
> A search of rpmfind:
> .&system=Mandrake&arch=
> shows modules for CSV and pg... but no Mysql...
> (neither did rpmdrake obviously)
> Any tips on what to do here???
> does anyone know if the module will compile on mdk9.0????
> I suppose I could install perl5.6.1 on the box.. but that would likely
> all the mandrake stuff that now relies on 5.8...
> I'd love to hear some opinions here..
> regards
> Frank
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